If a call to the API returns enything else then success the MailJet throws an error. Which is god but its the wrong error :) . Instead of throwing whats wrong with the service it throws this one :
Argument 2 passed to Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Services\MailjetService::throwError() must be an instance of Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Services\Response, instance of Mailjet\Response given, called in D:\xampp\htdocs\Laravel\vendor\mailjet\laravel-mailjet\src\Services\MailjetService.php on line 39 and defined
Hello, If a call to the API returns enything else then success the MailJet throws an error. Which is god but its the wrong error :) . Instead of throwing whats wrong with the service it throws this one :
Argument 2 passed to Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Services\MailjetService::throwError() must be an instance of Mailjet\LaravelMailjet\Services\Response, instance of Mailjet\Response given, called in D:\xampp\htdocs\Laravel\vendor\mailjet\laravel-mailjet\src\Services\MailjetService.php on line 39 and defined