mailpace / mailpace.js

The official Node.js library for the transactional email API
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Type-safe webhooks #1

Open franky47 opened 2 years ago

franky47 commented 2 years ago

I'm planning to use OhMySMTP in a Fastify app, for which I've made the fastify-ohmysmtp package, and next on my roadmap is to add a route and handlers for webhooks.

While I could list the event types and define the payload type within the plugin, I feel like those type definitions would be better located here in the Node.js API.

I've done a similar job for the Stripe webhooks here (though they had additional complexity that would be unneeded here if all webhooks have the same payload type), if that's something you're interested in, I can open a PR.

franky47 commented 2 years ago

Suggested API:

export const webhookEvents = [
] as const

export type WebhookEvents = typeof webhookEvents[number]

export type ExtractStatusFromEvent<Event extends string> =
  Event extends `email.${infer T}` ? T : never

export interface WebhookPayload<Event extends WebhookEvents> {
   * Email status
  status: ExtractStatusFromEvent<Event>

   * Reference ID of email
  id: number

   * Reference ID of sending Domain
  domain_id: number

   * Timestamp of when the email was first received by our API
  created_at: Date

   * Timestamp of when the email was last updated, typically a status change
  updated_at: Date

   * From email address
  from: string

   * To email address, may be a comma separated list if multiple recipients provided
  to: string | null

   * HTML body in email
  htmlbody: string | null

   * Text body in email
  textbody: string | null

   * Carbon Copy email address, may be a comma separated list if multiple recipients provided
  cc: string | null

   * Blind Carbon Copy email address, may be a comma separated list if multiple recipients provided
  bcc: string | null

   * Email subject
  subject: string | null

   * Reply to address
  replyto: string | null

   * Message ID set by OhMySMTP, in the format `<message-id>@<>`
  message_id: string

   * List-Unsubscribe header
  list_unsubscribe: string | null

export type WebhookBody<Event extends WebhookEvents = WebhookEvents> = {
  event: Event
  payload: WebhookPayload<Event>
franky47 commented 2 years ago

Note: I've gone a different route when implementing webhook handlers in my plugin, to add a layer of input validation (because static types don't help much with runtime validation) with zod:

Having the TypeScript definitions with JSDoc comments would be a nice DX though, to have documentation built-in in the editor.