mainehackerclub / open_vehicle_tracker

GPS web tracking system for vehicles
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Commotion Wireless+Mesh Networking #22

Open Cribstone opened 11 years ago

Cribstone commented 11 years ago

Mesh Networks offer a compelling p2p alternative for geographically-defined locations. Existing wireless protocols include XBee Pro

Commotion Wireless is a new project to develop mesh networking capability across multiple platforms.

The project is in early alpha and looking for new developers. Would make a great theme for an online hackathon.

Cribstone commented 11 years ago

A key advantage of using open source in vehicle tracking will be in the flexibility of using multiple networking formats to meet the needs of each unique deployment. In some cases, real-time location might be of less importance than other data inputs which could be collected through the CANBus OBDII port (i.e vehicle speed, fuel efficiency, mileage etc.). While such data may be harder to transmit it also won't need to be accessed as often as the real-time coordinates. A cross-platform system could be optimized to transmit certain types of data in accordance with the strength of the networking node it has access to. For example, if only a GSM signal is available then the vehicle would only transmit the basic location coordinates but could transmit more detailed information if connected to a local mesh network or set to "dump" all the data at a preconfigured wifi hotspot along the route. Such a setup would blur the distinctions between datalogging and real-time tracking and open up a wide range of new applications on the front end.