mainsail-crew / mainsail

Mainsail is the popular web interface for managing and controlling 3D printers with Klipper.
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[FR] UI/Dashboard settings for UltraWide displays #583

Open srbjessen opened 2 years ago

srbjessen commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. There's a lot of empty space on the sides when using my Ultrawide screen.

Describe the solution you'd like A fourth column option would be nice to have, as I'm struggling to keep everything on one level, to avoid too much scrolling. Maybe even the option to adjust the height and width of panels. At least for the temp-chart, as I've seen a few requests for more details on the temperature variations to tune heating better. Being able to make the temp-panel taller, would automatically enlarge the chart making variations more visible.

Additional context Just to show empty space on ultrawide displays image

kubik369 commented 2 years ago

I am all for this idea, as it should be simple to implement, but realistically, do you use your browser with a maximised window? I don't think I have ever done that in my 6 years of working exclusively on ultrawide monitors :smile:

srbjessen commented 2 years ago

I do, or I wouldn't have asked ;-) Like I also write, it would allow to show more panels without having to scroll. Besides, Mainsail isn't the only website I view while having my browser at full screen. Some web source codes are also best viewed at full width, as the indentations can be quite immense. But I suspect, as you also write, that it would be an "easy" implementation, though I'm no expert.

RickDnamps commented 2 years ago

Could be nice if we could move the subwindows also .... put misc and extruder under machine and ...

ghost commented 2 years ago

First off: This is a problem not exclusive to ultrawides. a 16:9 1440p monitor is the same pixel width as a 1080p ultrawide and has the same problems.

it should be simple to implement

Sadly, it kinda isn't. I messed with this a bit and it's tricky to keep this comment short so TL;DR google says to treat all monitors wider than 1440px, just like 1440px and mainsail does it the google way.

To vuetify's credit, 4 columns is a snap, it took mere minutes for a rough sketch of it. I sketched up a few other ideas which also made better use of screen space. But I had to mangle it to handle the display width properly, allowing these layouts to be used on various desktop sizes, and that kind of hack can't go into production.

So, in a nutshell, the problem isn't making the layout, the problem is switching to it (or not). We have 4 breakpoints, currently occupied by phone, tablet, desktop, and widescreen, and a possible future one which could take care of larger screens, but it just isn't enough by half, to accommodate modern desktops, and that's by design. I'm sure there are many ways around it, but my point is that it isn't as simple as one might expect.

If anyone has a concept for this which they'd like me to put a little time into trying out, let me know.

kaivalagi commented 1 year ago

I have similar issues in general with screen layout control etc but not from a large desktop position, but rather a small one, I am trying to make mainsail function on a smaller touch screen so it can be hosted, atleast for a monitoring/pause/cancel/stop function, on the Pi's touchscreen. I have it running through openbox/chromium in kiosk mode fine but need to be able to control the real estate use better.

To accommodate this scenario as well as the one above how about having a "custom always" mode that can be selected, this would allow to set the number of columns used, which column each widget goes, and then we would have full control over the rendered layout. Even better maybe have a match to resolution setting for a custom layout so if matching the screen resolution being rendered on it is used. If there was a configuration json file for setup of these additional dashboard configurations that would be enough.

I'm not privy to the vue / js world so much, more c# and more recently blazor/razor/maui, but I can help with time and effort if I could get some general pointers on approach etc...I do know javascript, it's more the framework and tooling I am unfamiliar with.

ghost commented 1 year ago

I am trying to make mainsail function on a smaller touch screen

I found KlipperScreen well suited for this use case, perhaps you will find it useful.

I'm not privy to the vue / js world so much

HERE BE DRAGONS. I'm so nervous even discussing this, that repeatedly adding and removing details from this reply, for fear of reprisal, took over 3 hours, driven by a sense responsibility to warn others of the trap that lays ahead.... This is as brief and objective and hopefully inoffensive as I have been able:

Mainsail uses Vue as a tool to implement Google's Material Design constraints, strictly. Learn Material and Vue inside out, and agree with all of it, before you move forward, or your most politely delivered, kindest intentions to provide a contribution to the community, may result in joining myself and at least 3 others I've witnessed who are either banned or muted for being unaware of these constraints.

meteyou commented 1 year ago

@xcasxcursex i think you mixed up some thinks...

mainsail use vue as JS framework. this have nothing todo with googles material design. it only provides funcitonality in the background.

mainsail use vuetify.js as Vue component framework. this offers a lot of ui stuff in google material design preconfigured and styled.

but both have nothing todo with the FR itself or the questions from @kaivalagi.

meteyou commented 1 year ago

@kaivalagi to make customizable breakpoints will be a good solution for this FR. but i don't think it will help you in your use case. i think klipperscreen will be a better solution for your small display on your printer.

kaivalagi commented 1 year ago

thanks, I was half expecting the answer, I've used KlipperScreen prior to this post and it does the job fine yes, but I, or maybe my OCD haha, would prefer the use of the same UI theme as seen in mainsail, it just looks more polished that way. If only klipperscreen had a better way to manage layout...I guess I need to revisit it and see how I can rearrange things to my needs and maybe apply some styling to equal mainsail. Thanks for the reply and thanks for a great tool.

ghost commented 1 year ago

but I, or maybe my OCD haha, would prefer the use of the same UI theme as seen in mainsail, it just looks more polished that way.

Moving between my 1080p TV, 1080p ultrawide, 1440p 16:9, 1440p UW, large format 4K, phone, even a watch display, and finally klipperscreen, also toyed with my 'OCD' hehehe This and my belief in 'giving something back' to open source communities, were my impetus to notice and to try to resolve this FR, and also to play with KlipperScreen some.

I guess I need to revisit it and see how I can rearrange things to my needs and maybe apply some styling to equal mainsail

I'm sure you will find KlipperScreen's dev a joy to work and interact with, in my experience he's a very pleasant individual and totally open to collaboration and improvement of the software. And just fun to chat to about stuff :) Nice dude.

You're @'d below but unless you want to risk trying to contribute to mainsail you can safely ignore those references to your post (and I would not ignore them, if you do want to contribute). Sorry for the blue dot on github :D And best of luck getting that nice consistent UI on all your weird displays. It's sad to sit here looking at my code that contains your solution, but not to be allowed to share it. Annnd I jut hit delete. I'm sorry about all this.

... ... I hate github formatting ...

@xcasxcursex i think you mixed up some thinks...

mainsail use vue as JS framework. this have nothing todo with googles material design. it only provides funcitonality in the background.

mainsail use vuetify.js as Vue component framework. this offers a lot of ui stuff in google material design preconfigured and styled.

but both have nothing todo with the FR itself or the questions from @kaivalagi.

Clearly, you have already 'forgotten' the details. I will remind you, and explain it for the benefit of others who might waste their time trying to be productive with you; but I'm done walking on eggshells; you're a lying hypocrite crybaby power abuser with an overinflated sense of self importance and a shortage of ability caused by a compulsion to conflict, and you're getting called out today.

I wasted too much time and money and effort attempting to fix this FR with you fighting all the way for absolutely no reason. Thousands of dollars worth of days of time donated to the project over a year of trying and trying to be nice and 'give back' to the project by offering to literally fix this for you like a slave bot, only for you to try and lie about it now? No more.


To quote from my post above to start the reminder:

I had to mangle it to handle the display width properly, allowing these layouts to be used on various desktop sizes, and that kind of hack can't go into production....the problem isn't making the layout, the problem is switching to it (or not). We have 4 breakpoints, currently occupied by phone, tablet, desktop, and widescreen, and a possible future one which could take care of larger screens, but it just isn't enough by half, to accommodate modern desktops, and that's by design.


I suggested custom breakpoints (to work around the 'problem of switching to it' quoted above - which directly relates to @kaivalagi situation), you said it was "impossible" "stupid" and refused to even allow it since mainsail was forced to the existing breakpoints "for a reason", and tried to make out like I don't understand what a dynamic web page is. At the time in an effort to not argue and embarrass you, I decided not to mention that I was on a team with MS working with our government, that helped develop the first HTML4 specs, browsers, and the sites that ran on them. I was there for the invention of dynamic web, back in the mid 90's before you were doing any of this. But what would I know, right? I just "don't understand".

I tried to describe how it would work, several different ways, and you couldn't understand, so I drew mockup images, including ultrawides, and tiny displays like @kaivalagi is talking about now, and you still didn't understand, and said it "wouldn't work" and was "impossible".

When I asked if you had any technical requirements of my contributions to support these "impossible" custom breakpoints, you refused to discuss it since it would be "stupid" to do and a "waste of time" to even discuss. Then accused me of expecting everyone else to write the code for me, even though I was offering to write it, to support different display sizes, such @kaivalagi asked about, since, as I originally replied above, this FR title is misleading because a lack of support for ultrawide displays is not the problem, the problem is inefficient layout preventing MANY display sizes, aspect ratios and resolutions, which is 'by design' - the outdated versions of material design constraints, vue and vuetify's implementations of them, and mainsail design limitations. ie, you refused it, because it wasn't Material Design compliant, and insisted that was the only correct way. And now you say it has nothing to do with material or vue and is a good solution. Straight up hypocrite liar.

I diagnosed and fixed and documented the fix of the mainsail dev environment that was only working on your machines, so that others could run the dev environment, used that to reverse-engineer Vue and Vuetify (which I supposedly "don't understand", lol) to patch them so that the "impossible" could be done (but it has "nothing to do with them" now lol), showed how it was possible without patching them, with their (material, Vue and Vuetify) newer versions, tried to discuss any plans to use those newer framework versions (of course you refused any such discussion), delivered proof of concept code of it all....and delivering this solution was proof that I was right all along and got me muted.


TF is wrong with you man. I'm done trying to be nice to you. I'm absolutely certain you can solve this issue, and maybe you want to, and that I could have done it for you, in accordance to your own specifications, for free, if you wanted to accept any help.... but for some bizarre reason you just REALLY want to have a fight with me instead. Fine, have it your way. Take your L, son. Sad that you're making everyone else lose out, too. Mainsail is wonderful software, hamstrung by your inability and refusal to figure this problem out, or to just allow me do it. This FR and @kaivalagi issue and countless potential others could have been resolved 9 months ago with the work I did for you.

"This comment was marked as abuse. " LMAO cry harder

meteyou commented 1 year ago

@xcasxcursex I have now spent a lot of time rereading our last discussions. These were already over half a year ago. I can now also remember your suggestion. (which still does not seem plausible/feasible).

Your suggestion also doesn't have anything to do with this PR. This PR is about real ultra-wide screens with over 2k resolution horizontally. In this use-case comes the maximum container width into effect. This maximum container width ensures that the panel contents do not look torn/stretched.

Your request was for a different arrangement of panels within this system. so you should open a separate FR and not abuse this one. (If I fix this PR, your request is automatically closed.)

I still can't tell you why the virtual printer doesn't work for you, but it does for everyone else. Furthermore, the virtual printer is not a "mainsail dev environment" but only an additional tool if you don't have a printer available to test Mainsail. I only use it on the train or vacation and only have the MacBook available.

Furthermore, I want to reiterate that just because I don't believe it's possible doesn't mean you cannot work on it and create a PR. If it works well, I see no reason not to merge it. If not, maintain your fork of Mainsail. This project is all open-source, and you can do whatever you want.

FYI: I will ban you in GitHub and Discord if you write another hate post. I have already spent a whole evening trying to give you a sensible answer that I tried for days in Discord (half year ago). Currently, I don't need to be insulted by you in my free time.

ghost commented 1 year ago

I could paste all the screenshots and logs I've already taken -

But you'd only call it a "hate post" and hide it, because the truth is not your style, banning people for telling it, is... so why waste my time?

Not to mention that I've already covered about half of what you said in my first post ITT (you forgot to mark that one as abuse I guess?) Just so you know, since a quick copypaste didn't waste much more of my time, this was my favourite part:

You today:

This PR is about real ultra-wide screens with over (sic: 1080p ultrawide is not "over" 2k, it "is" 2k) 2k resolution horizontally.

In this use-case comes the maximum container width into effect. This maximum container width ensures that the panel contents do not look torn/stretched.

My first comment here:

This is a problem not exclusive to ultrawides. a 16:9 1440p monitor is the same pixel width as a 1080p ultrawide and has the same problems.

We have 4 breakpoints, currently occupied by phone, tablet, desktop, and widescreen, and a possible future one which could take care of larger screens....4 columns is a snap... I sketched up a few other ideas which also made better use of screen space

Like... dude. LOL. You're a software dev. Nobody believes that you can't do math as simple as 2560 = 2560 or 4 > 3. Nobody believes I don't understand how the breakpoints work and how to deal with the limitations and avoid stretched panels, I had the "implausible" fix for that in my first post.

You know your lies are like, SUPER obvious, right? Nobody even needs the screenshots from discord that prove it, at this point. They can just scroll up. Better go hide that post as "abuse" too I guess.

The only reason I've even posted here is as a warning to others, I gave up trying to talk to you months ago. My warning to others has been issued, I'm done here. My only concern is that maybe you are actually mentally ill and truly believe your lies, and I should be gentle with you....but I did try that, a lot, so I don't know what more I can do. If you're that sick, you're beyond my help, but I honestly wish you well.

Mute, hide, ban, at will; prove me right again, then you can lie about it some more afterwards.

You might be stuck on a loop doing that, forever, but I'm not, I'm banned.

srbjessen commented 1 year ago

@xcasxcursex First of all, @meteyou refers to "displays OVER 2000" not "exactly 2000". My display is 3440x1440p, which is well over 2000 wide. And secondly: a 1080p with 2000 (1920) width is not ultrawide, but 16:9. and actually only FullHD and not 2k as that requires 2048px width, but that's just nitpicking. Ultrawide is USUALLY closer to 21:9.

It would be appreciated if my FR didn't become an arena for fights that are unrelated to current issue. On top of that, regardless of name-calling and trash talk, The people working on mainsail deserves some respect and appreciation for all their hard work and countless unpaid hours, just so we can all have exactly the features we want, as long as they are feasible and realistic.

@meteyou Without knowing much about the implications, I like @kaivalagi 's suggestion about a "custom" setup with: "Number of columns", maybe even "Number of rows". Making column-content centered would also allow, for instance, a max width as you have now, so panels keep ratios and look, although that might result in a need for a fixed width, so they don't jump in-and-out in widths.

Keep up the good work ! 👍👍👍

meteyou commented 1 year ago

@srbjessen This is exactly my plan. I want to make this strict layout in the four viewports dynamic so that the user can define how many columns and what maximum width he wants. I still need to implement this.

ghost commented 1 year ago


It would be appreciated if my FR didn't become an arena for fights that are unrelated to current issue.

This is a totally reasonable request based on a lack of understanding that this fight I'm having is directly related to your request, which I've solved already. I have edited this post because I realised that while meteyou understands this, maybe you don't, and it's probably because he's lying to you. It's a thing he does, scroll up and read my posts if you are able, and you will see him doing it.

The people working on mainsail deserves some respect and appreciation for all their hard work and countless unpaid hours,

Totally. How about I give them a bunch of my own hard work and unpaid hours in return? That's what I did. Do I not deserve equal respectful treatment? Don't we all?!

just so we can all have exactly the features we want, as long as they are feasible and realistic.

meteyou says they are infeasible and unrealistic, I did it anyway. He won't let you have exactly the features you, and I, want.

He is lying to you, dude. You're being manipulated.

First of all, @meteyou refers to "displays OVER 2000" not "exactly 2000".

You're being manipulated.

My display is 3440x1440p, which is well over 2000 wide. And secondly: a 1080p with 2000 (1920) width is not ultrawide, but 16:9. and actually only FullHD and not 2k as that requires 2048px width, but that's just nitpicking. Ultrawide is USUALLY closer to 21:9.

1080p ULTRAWIDE which I wrote, is 21:9, and has 2560px width, not 1920. It also has too much whitespace, just like your screenshot.

I already said like HOW many times, this is a not resolution-specific problem. Whatever applies to your 1440p ultrawide, applies to a 4K 16:9. The same logic goes up, and up, and down and down. This is why it's also relevant for @kaivalagi. You all need to understnd this basic concept. This is NOT ABOUT ANY RESOLUTION OF ULTRAWIDE

THE PROBLEM IS AN INEFFICIENT LAYOUT with A BUNCH OF WHITE SPACE AT THE EDGES. It happens at many resolutions. The opposing issue also exists (you haven't seen it, but @kaivalagi has) where there is not enough space.

I already wrote the code for the fixed number of columns (meteyou was fine with that) but the problem is that you reach the maximum width he mentioned and you end up with more whitespace at the edges, regardless. So you solve nothing. Furthermore, you create a new problem where some panels are too cramped. @meteyou mentoned it already. So I solved it, by allowing a fixed number of rows and columns, nested within each other as you will, so you can have 4 columns, and 3 columns, at the same time, in 2 rows, or whatever numbers fit on WHATEVER YOUR SCREEN IS NO MATTER WHAT

meteyou would not allow it because although it can be done, such a layout is not Material Design compliant. And he says that (maybe even "Number of rows".) would be "stupid"

Kruppes commented 1 year ago

@xcasxcursex your approach sound great. Unluckily I can’t find your fork or PR containing it. Is a personal discrepancy with @meteyou or the mainsail team really worth putting all that effort in this public rant? Wouldn’t the time and energy be better spent showcasing the result in your own fork? Please put the fight at rest and instead share the described solution with everyone looking for it.

meteyou commented 1 year ago

@xcasxcursex It is not against material design, but your solution will probably only work for precisely one setup. The panels' contents are so dynamic and individual that your solution will not work in general. But as long as I don't see a PR and can test it with different printers, I see it as "not solved"/"not possible".

Please give us all the chance to convince us of the opposite, or please leave us alone!

ghost commented 1 year ago

Please, pardon the long post, but I do not want to omit detail, as it will be my last opportunity to speak on this and hopefully help someone out there spare themselves being manipulated and abused by meteyou.

I have taken the time to not @ anybody here, and I would appreciate future responses would return the favour. I want no further involvement, please. You are free to just talk about me behind my back. Please, kindly do not @ me, and thank you in advance.

I'll be shocked if meteyou doesn't twist it and lie and manipulate you it no matter what, so I'll leave enough detail that you will hopefully be able to see through his lies. I will bold the important parts so if you want to TL;DR just skim-read the bold lines.

Unluckily I can’t find your fork or PR containing it.

The code exists only on a backup of a VM on my dev PC. I deleted it last night with much sadness, but it's easy to recover I guess. I've opened the VDI and read the code so the files are good to go. RIP.

I tried to start the VM, honestly it was a moment of dickish rage to make screenshots to post to prove that I'm not the ignorant fool meteyou likes to make me out to be, and that the solution he says is impossible but has seen in practice, exists, so maybe he would be forced to take back his behaviour, try to make peace with me, and we could all have something nice. But it's been so long since I did it, I've upgraded VirtualBox from 6.x to 7.x and it's broken something so the machine won't start (GPU annoyance, probably an easy fix), so the only old screenshot I have is worthless to inspire anyone or prove anything beyond the existence of user-configurable, nested, row/column combinations, on a dynamically scaling page, and that it looks freakin sick if I do say so myself. But posting that pic would only serve as ammunition to those who would manipulate you, because it's from my 1080p 16:9 on dev PC where I was logged into discord and wanted to share the pic, not from one of the various test platforms, from a tiny screen I actually bought for a keyboard I was building to a 4K 32:9 I used. (Everyone say thanks to my Dad for letting me borrow his lovely 4K screen for you all! I could see mainsail from across the street, lol

Oh yeh speaking of that VM, meteyou said above he doesn't know why the dev environment wouldn't work on my PC, that's a lie, he knows it was because I wasn't using docker images like everyone else he was, I was using a VM, because I needed Hyper-V disabled and Docker needs it, plus I just prefer VMs, so I had to build it all manually, and there was a very specific version of the node package required in that VM. Here's a quote from the discord (like I said in the "marked as abuse" post above, I have proof of his lies. LOTS of lies. Expect more.)

putting the answer here for futureperson who like me can't hyperv... spin up a debian based vm, build the simulator manually by the instructions on the klipper docs at, refer to the mainsail virtual-klipper dockerfile for the dependencies, do everything else normal manual install style but specifically install node version 16. >16 is broken, <15.9 is broken Use 16. [16:07]innocentbystandernameredacted: Is there way to start a print in virtual printer? [16:21]meteyou: yes. its possible. but it is really really really really slow!

Remember he said he went back and read our conversations, so don't be fooled. This guy is out of control with the lies, and he told that lie to manipulate you all into believing more of his lies and not believing me. There's your proof that he lies even about his lies. To all you people who didn't believe me when I told you before, if you're not seeing your mistake

I did not publish it yet because, as I've mentioned above, I was trying to work with the mainsail team to make sure it met with their technical requirements (which they refused to even spend the time to define) and personal approval (I wanted them to like it, duh), in order to finish it off before putting it out into the wild. Of course, they either argued over nonsense, or outright muted me, so how could I do that? It's reached the point where I no longer even want to.

You can't find it because meteyou killed it before it saw the light of day. Luck had nothing to do with it, you can't find it on purpose, meteyou took it from you.

Is a personal discrepancy with meteyou or the mainsail team really worth putting all that effort in this public rant?

ABSOLUTELY. It is important to understand, I was not the first or last to come under attack from meteyou, I saw another person banned in my first moments in the community and much mockery of them behind their back from the team, it was kinda gross behaviour TBH, but I assumed the best of the mainsail team - maybe that guy had it coming, IDK - and carried on. I saw another (still gross), and then joined them, and then another. I can only imagine more have followed this pattern of behaviour. Meteyou and other members of the team can become impossible to work with, literally, since they will at the least mute you and in some cases ban, and then you can't even talk to them. They will make NO effort to work amicably, and no notification that there is a problem, simply ghost you. I didn't even know I was muted until I tried to heart-emoji something one of them said (I was trying to make peace, non-stop, for MONTHS!!), and the emoji kept disappearing. Even then I tried to work things out, twice, and remained muted. At that point I gave up on the project. What further progress could be made?

So, when I saw the post above from kaivalagi, I became genuinely concerned that they might also become a victim of meteyou and the team (who honestly I get the impression are behaving this way only in support of their friend meteyou, so I don't hold them responsible. Standing by your friends is a good intention, they seem to be easily manipulated by him, too). It's not very nice to bust your ass to help, and then be abused in return. I don't want not-nice things to happen to anyone, so I serve a warning.

That warning is why this "public rant". It was not a rant, it was literally a few lines of text, very deliberately, driven by fear of reprisal from meteyou, like I said (how right I was). I wanted to make sure I gave him as little ammunition as possible. It has to be public, it's a warning to all who may come in the future, that certain expectations exist, to know and abide by the developers' personal preferences and a failure to meet them, even through unawareness of those expectations, will immediately earn the ire of meteyou, and render all of your efforts to help, to serve only to hurt yourself. Especially toward Material btw - of the four people (including myself) I've seen banned, three met this fate through meteyou's reaction to seeing limitations with Material design - in my case two of the limitations had already been fixed in newer material design specs, and implemented by vue and vuetify in newer versions not yet in use with mainsail, hence the technical difficulties I mentioned in my OP ITT, so obviously upstream agreed with me even if meteyou didn't.

In short: If you dare say anything bad about material design, meteyou will instantly disrespect you, and subsequently manipulate the entire team such that everything you do to help mainsail users will transform into meteyou and others abusing you, as he has and still does me, no matter how hard you try to make peace with him, as I did, and no longer will. Even now he is lying and trying to manipulate everyone here.

Wouldn’t the time and energy be better spent

Well, it was not my intention to invest so much time and energy, I am gravely ill and honestly I ought not, but I'm torn between my sense of responsibility to warn others, and my sense of self care. Today I decided I need to walk away, and leave it up to others to deal with the consequences if they fail to heed my warnings, or allow themselves to be manipulated by meteyou into not believing them. I can't save everyone, I might be able to buy myself a few more months though.

showcasing the result in your own fork?

Fair question and possibly, yes, it could be a better investment of my time. Honestly, I hate forks ('forks' in the project, not the git sense). It usually ends up creating a bad experience for end-users where there are two competing versions of the tool, each with a feature they want and lacking a feature they want (or worse, possessing an anti-feature they do not want) and they really would prefer a tool with the best parts of both and none of the bad parts. I prefer to work amicably with nice developers toward a common goal in a single project. I don't want to compete, I want to cooperate. It's what a good person and a good dev does.

If I create a github fork, PRs will not be accepted by meteyou (do not be fooled by his lies, he has made it abundantly clear that he will not ever work with me, look at his behavioural pattern, look at the loops of how he responds), there will be two incompatible competing flavours of mainsail, at the very best, I will end up maintaining a sizeable project alone and it will become popular creating a load I cannot bear and it will only splinter things for the 3D printing community.

Plus, frankly, screw that guy. I'm not giving him jack squat. The further he drags this on, the further I depart from my inclination toward being kind about it.

meteyou you're a liar. Why haven't you banned me yet?

It is not against material design

You said it was in the discord, liar.

but your solution will probably only work for precisely one setup.

You know it works fine, liar.

I see it as "not solved"/"not possible".

I'm sure you'll find a way to implement these concepts by yourself. You're certainly capable. Mainsail users will get to see if you are willing.

Please give us all the chance to convince us of the opposite, or please leave us alone!

You had your chances to benefit from cooperation. Ban me you liar. I'll say this one last time: If you're actually mentally ill, and not just an a-hole, I honestly wish you the best and hope you work it out.

srbjessen commented 1 year ago

@xcasxcursex Listen up snowflake. You failed at keeping my FR clear of fighting even after accepting and promising. You failed at not @ anyone in this Rant 2.0 You continue to moan and brag that nobody accepts you have a solution, even though you've proven it works, while failing to produce a single proof other than a thread more than half a year old. So far all I've seen is you saying "it's there, but my VM is down", "I have the evidence but wont provide it" and so on. Lots of claims, and constantly an excuse as to why you wont show it. If it's as easy as you say, create a PR that works, I'm sure everyone will be happy to have it merged. It would also be the ultimate way to show you were right all along. Even when asked for it you would rather return to namecalling and foul language instead of being a grown-up. 2 things to remember:

There's always 3 versions of the truth:

  1. Your version
  2. His version
  3. The actual truth

And Just because you are offended, it doesn't mean you are right.

Perception is very individual, so what you see as logical and true, isn't necessarily the way that everyone else sees it. That's where maturity and common sense should tell you to explain it and show people why you perceive the world the way you do. When you persist to display the maturity of a teenager, that's all people will ever see. Take the higher road, show us that your claims are real.

"You had your chances to benefit......" is an easy way to turn the discussion from whether or not you actually have a solution, over to being about how unfair you've been treated, again without providing a single thread of evidence that your claims are real.

Again; I would appreciate that this FR is no longer treated as a battleground, but is actually used to bring us all closer to a solution that a few people have expressed desire for, and that Mainsail-crew has expressed desire to merge/implement, as soon as there's a valid solution before them.

Once more I urge you: Take the higher road and prove us wrong. I love being wrong in this type of cases. Namecalling and being offended will never prove you are right, it will only make us doubt that you ever had the solution. And again; I WOULD LOVE TO SEE A SOLUTION, so show us that you have it. We will all welcome it with open arms.

ghost commented 1 year ago

I asked nicely not to @ me, fuck off.

Christ, you lie almost as much as meteyou does. Anyone who can't see through you both is a straight up sucka

I posted to offer a 50,000 USD 'bet' that I'm telling the truth, but honestly, no amount of money is worth giving people like you a damned thing. I'll do it for 1 million USD since that's enough to make a serious positive impact to people around me after I'm gone.

Here's the deal:

Otherwise you can keep saying I'm a liar. Put your money where your mouth is. Snowflake. Am I a liar or do I have the code right here? Pussy. Ask the entire internet to back you. Find out if I'm a liar or if you're a snowflake with a big mouth and tiny balls.

ghost commented 1 year ago

This is gonna be fucken good. Watch this bitch back up now.

ghost commented 1 year ago

unknown Scared yet snowflake?

ghost commented 1 year ago

I WOULD LOVE TO SEE A SOLUTION, so show us that you have it

Now I've literally shown you a screenshot. Gonna put your money where your mouth is, pussy ass bitch snowflake?

ghost commented 1 year ago

the only old screenshot I have is worthless to inspire anyone or prove anything beyond the existence of user-configurable, nested, row/column combinations, on a dynamically scaling page, and that it looks freakin sick if I do say so myself. But posting that pic would only serve as ammunition to those who would manipulate you, because it's from my 1080p 16:9 on dev PC

This is that screenshot. I don't fucking lie, I ain't built like that. Meteyou does. Where you at @srbjessen are you still calling me a liar or are you calling him a liar? Where my money at?

ghost commented 1 year ago

I'll throw in these files with the vdi, so you know I didn't cheat and write it right now, but actually had it way back on 25/06/22


ghost commented 1 year ago

Look how huge that top file is, it's full of error logs, unlike the old ones... almost like that story up there about starting it and it failed was totally true, as though everything else I've said was true too. Hmmmm.

You'll never do it. Why even bother trying to prove myself to you. But I'm hoping maybe just maybe you're gonna do it and I can make some people around me real cosy. My disabled neighbour deserves a nicer wheelchair. I can hire a gardener for the nice old lady across the street. I can hire better doctors. Might get my carer a boat. So good. Please put your money where your mouth is.

This is great, if you don't do it, I prove that I spoke the truth in defense of others, and strengthen that defense.... Your calling me a liar works out well for everyone else this way. If you do do it, I get a cool milly to spread around ppl I love, and still everyone else wins because they get the code and know I was speaking the truth.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Come on man you called me a liar now you're all quiet. I been sitting here waiting on you for like 2 hours.

I tell ya what, I'll sweeten the deal, I'll give 10K of that million, to poor kaivalagi who just wanted to help and ended up at the centre of this mess while I tried to protect them from meteyou. And 1K to everyone else currently participating in the thread who wasn't arguing with me and had to put up with this nonsense.

Or you could just admit that I was telling the truth all along, just trying to protect kai from meteyou, and write cool toys for random people specifically YOU, and you acted like an ass to me for it because meteyou manipulated you.

Do you see how this works man? Do you see how he manipulates people? Edit: he's manipulated you into name-calling, and me into following suit. I'll apologise for that, I fell into the trap I'm trying to warn you from. Dude is a legitimately talented manipulator, honestly.

Edit 2: To be clear, I'm just apologising for calling you names like you did to me. I meant every other word. Heck, I meant the nasty words too, you were actin like I called out, but I don't wanna act like that, like I've said all along, I'm trying to be nice and I've lost my patience.

The challenge to continue accusing me that I'm a liar snowflake who is trying to derail your thread and don't have the fix for your FR, and put your money where your mouth is, that stands. 1 million US dollars to me if I prove I wasn't lying and give you the code.... versus you admit I wasn't and you were manipulated and I abused by by meteyou. Easy.

sammcj commented 1 year ago

I agree this is definitely needed and not even on ultrawide displays but common ratios as well.

I'm a standard 32" 4K monitor and the columns are all squished in very small - a lot of wasted screen real estate and it means you have to scroll for console output.


meteyou commented 1 year ago

I agree this is definitely needed and not even on ultrawide displays but common ratios as well.

I'm a standard 32" 4K monitor and the columns are all squished in very small - a lot of wasted screen real estate and it means you have to scroll for console output.


Adding more columns would not fit for you. All panels are visible on your screen. Just make panels wider would only waste space, nothing more.

FYI: just change the height of your console in the settings, if you want more space in it.

sammcj commented 1 year ago

Just make panels wider would only waste space, nothing more.

No that's not the case.

If I override the CSS manually it looks much better and makes use of the correct screen size:


#page-container {
    max-width: 2600px;

FYI: just change the height of your console in the settings, if you want more space in it.

I want to make the console larger than this - not smaller.

sammcj commented 1 year ago

If not updated to make more use of the unused space - it should at least be configurable by the user.

meteyou commented 1 year ago

Just make panels wider would only waste space, nothing more.

No that's not the case.

If I override the CSS manually it looks much better and makes use of the correct screen size:


#page-container {
  max-width: 2600px;

FYI: just change the height of your console in the settings, if you want more space in it.

I want to make the console larger than this - not smaller.

This only stretch the content of the panels. Nothing more. So you don't have better use space with it. All need the same height. This is useless in mind of better space using.

Entries in the console are mostly very short. If you change the width of it, you have only not used space in the console instead of besides the console If you change the height in the settings, you can see more lines and have less to scroll.

sammcj commented 1 year ago

I'm assuming you must have a tiny screen or a very low resolution because it looks so weird with it all suck in the middle.

meteyou commented 1 year ago

I'm assuming you must have a tiny screen or a very low resolution because it looks so weird with it all suck in the middle.

i use a LG 38wn95c-w. this is a 38" ultrawide screen with 4k resolution in width. but as i said. just make panels wider is not the solution. it only stretches the content of the panel with no positive points.

sammcj commented 1 year ago

Other than making it look better and take up less vertical space...

meteyou commented 1 year ago

Other than making it look better and take up less vertical space...

It looks much worse when you look inside the panel. For example, this: image

This is only a useless space inside the panel. So as I said, there are better solutions than just making it all wider.

But herewith, I give up this FR and hope someday, and there will be a contributor who will take over this one. I no longer like to have the pointless discussions that usually occur here besides the actual FR and concentrate on more important things.

h3rm commented 6 months ago

it would be cool if /assets/index-02519ded.css in mainsale/files wouldn't have this row:

#page-container { max-width:1800px

Without manipulating the css no horizontal scrolling is possible & there is no horizontal scroll bar (tested with 2 screens -> 2560x1440 and 3440x1440):

2024-02-24 05_38_23-15% Printing - ETA_ 21_09 - mt-v2-vice-work-bench_PLA_10h0m gcode- v400 – Mozill

2024-02-24 05_24_57-14% Printing - ETA_ 21_16 - mt-v2-vice-work-bench_PLA_10h0m gcode- v400 – Mozill

with "max-width" commented out in the css it looks much better because suddenly there are >15 columns visible instead of <10 :) :

2024-02-24 05_45_45-2024-02

can you please adapt the css? maybe the better solution than deactivating "max-width" would be a horizontal scroll bar in mainsale/files :)

[update]: i commented out (only the row -> # max-width:1800px) via ssh (/home/pi/mainsail/assets/index-02519ded.css ) as a workaround for this problem. Maybe it's gone after the next update but for now it's ok