maintaina / deployments

Various premade deployments to develop or run Horde environments
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composer.json needs to be updated to use new horde-installer version? #15

Open boekhorstb1 opened 1 year ago

boekhorstb1 commented 1 year ago

Question: what is the difference between maintaina/deployments and maintaina-com/horde-deployment? @ralflang

ralflang commented 1 year ago

maintaina-com/horde-deployment is one composer (php) base project. It contains the skeleton dirs and has nothing to do with docker.

maintaina/deployments is a set of different scenarios for docker-compose and docker stack. Each scenario combines the php/apache docker container with database and possibly redis or imap/postfix containers into a working application environment.

boekhorstb1 commented 1 year ago

thank you @ralflang, sorry, was a bit confused I guess

ralflang commented 1 year ago

No problem at all. I need to add more readmes

boekhorstb1 commented 1 year ago

Another question: In the deployments repo I cannot find the composer.json file... where does the base container get its composer.json file from if I want to update it? @ralflang

ralflang commented 1 year ago

maintaina/containers builds the container imagess, including the php container image with the horde-deployment. maintaina/deployments uses the container built in that step. If you have trouble using the horde-installer-plugin you likely have an old composer2 somewhere along the path. I suggest updating to composer 2.3 or 2.4