maisano / react-router-transition

painless transitions built for react-router, powered by react-motion
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Navigation direction aware #94

Open bitttttten opened 6 years ago

bitttttten commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to make the AnimatedSwitch component aware of the direction the navigation is? For example, when going back (by using the back button in the browser) I would like a different animation and styling than when user is navigating forward.

lcamargof commented 4 years ago

You can use another component as a wrapper and control your animation direction.

This is an example of my component:

const RIGHT = {
  atEnter: { offset: 100, opacity: 0 },
  atLeave: { offset: -100, opacity: 0 }

const LEFT = {
  atEnter: { offset: -100, opacity: 0 },
  atLeave: { offset: 100, opacity: 0 }

class SlideSwitch extends PureComponent {
  constructor (props) {

    this.prevPath = props.location.pathname
    this.currentPathIndex = props.routes.indexOf(window.location.pathname)
    this.currentAnimation = RIGHT

  render () {
    const { match, location, history, children, routes, ...props } = this.props

    if (this.prevPath && location.pathname !== this.prevPath) {
      const routeIndex = routes.indexOf(location.pathname)

      if (history.action === 'POP') {
        this.currentAnimation = LEFT
      } else if (routeIndex === -1 || routeIndex > this.currentPathIndex) {
        this.currentAnimation = RIGHT
      } else {
        this.currentAnimation = LEFT

      this.currentPathIndex = routeIndex
      this.prevPath = location.pathname

    return (
        atActive={{ offset: 0, opacity: 1 }}
        mapStyles={(styles) => ({
          transform: `translateX(${styles.offset}%)`,
          opacity: styles.opacity
        { children }

where routes is an array of my routes ordered correctly Of course, this is a naive implementation, you will need to use something more advanced (like a regex) to match the routes if you have like wildcards or parameters on the route.