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Ideas and features #13

Open justgage opened 9 years ago

justgage commented 9 years ago

Here's a list of my ideas/wishlist

justgage commented 9 years ago

I was programming a elisp project recently and discovered "paredit" and I must say that it's very useful when dealing with all the parenthesis. I think this would be a good feature for avi. Here's an animated guide showing some of it's useage. It's used in Nightcode which might not be too hard to just use some of the code from over there.

eraserhd commented 9 years ago

@justgage There is an implementation called paredit.clj which I've thought about integrating. But I've also used some Vim plugins and had some awful experience with the interactions, and I've been thinking about how I want it to behave. I think it can be smarter in Vim world.

But I definitely want something. Perhaps something close.

I actually don't use NERDTree that much anymore because of Ctrl+P. I agree with no non-visual mode.

I've been thiking about :( starts a clojure expression. But I've also been thinking about what "anywhere in the system" means. What namespaces are in that environment? Since we don't mutate much, it needs to be a function (expression?) which takes an "editor" as the first argument and returns an editor. Is threading implicit so people can't get it wrong? If threading is implicit, perhaps can we (defn wq [editor] ... ) and so forth in the REPL namespace?

Anyway, there's a trello here:

Feel free to drop cards on it, vote, and so forth.

justgage commented 9 years ago

I don't have permission to edit the trello board or else I would be glad to. I agree that the vim implementations of paredit are awful mostly due to the keybindings. The emacs bindings aren't too bad which we could use in insert mode. Another option is perhaps to have a paredit mode where most of the bindings are rebound to traversing and editing the tree. However I'm not sure if it's wise to create too many more modes than vim already has.

eraserhd commented 9 years ago

@justgage I just added public commenting and voting to the board and invited you.

justgage commented 9 years ago

Thank you :).