maizzle / framework

Quickly build HTML emails with Tailwind CSS.
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Frontmatter permalink + plaintext not working for txt file outputs #1221

Open joeyfigaro opened 8 months ago

joeyfigaro commented 8 months ago

Reproduction Repository


Using plaintext in a template's frontmatter where you've also specified a different destination filename via permalink doesn't produce a renamed txt file. It only applies the permalink configuration to the html output.


  1. Configure plaintext in your maizzle config to produce html and plaintext templates:

    /** @type {import('@maizzle/framework').Config} */
    module.exports = {
    build: {
    posthtml: {
      options: {
        decodeEntities: true,
        replaceQuote: false,
    browsersync: {},
    templates: {
      source: "src/templates",
      plaintext: {
        skipHtmlDecoding: true,
        destination: {
          path: "build_local",
          extension: "txt",
      destination: {
        path: "build_local",
      omit: ["src/**/.archive/*"],
      assets: [
          destination: "images",
          source: "src/images",
  2. Add empty production config

    | Production config             
    | This is where you define settings that optimize your emails for production.
    | These will be merged on top of the base config.js, so you only need to
    | specify the options that are changing.

// since the base config is merged in with this during production builds // and our base config uses env vars for configuring, we don't need overrides for production module.exports = {};

3. Create a `testing.html` template and configure `permalink` and `plaintext` in its frontmatter:
permalink: permalink_testing_build/permalink-override.html
plaintext: true

  <h1>Permalink + Plaintext Reproduction</h1>
  <p>This template ends up in permalink_testing_build/permalink-override.html</p>
  <p>its plaintext version ends up living in build_local/testing.txt, though</p>
  1. Run a production build maizzle build production

  2. Observe permalink-override.html at the provided permalink path and a testing.txt file in the original build_local directory

Day late, but here's the repro I put together:

Build results for .txt and .html outputs


cossssmin commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the detailed report Joey, looks like a bug indeed. Will look into it and fix it 👍

cossssmin commented 4 months ago

This will be fixed in 5.0.0, unfortunately I don't have enough time to also fix it in v4.x sorry!