majd / ipatool

Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store
MIT License
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Download with numeric AppStore ID #115

Closed sqeezelemon closed 1 year ago

sqeezelemon commented 1 year ago


Bundle IDs are a bit trickier to find, would be nice if the CLI could support app store IDs (id... at the end of an app store page url) instead of a bundle ID. Perhaps this could even be extended to downloading using the app store URL. Example: -> ID = 284815942

Possible implementation:

  1. Get the ID as an argument to the download command
  2. Use /lookup to get the bundle id:<ID>&country=<COUNTRY>
  3. Get the bundle ID from the bundleId parameter in the json response
  4. Business as usual
majd commented 1 year ago

I'd rather keep the CLI simple and not clutter it with another identifier parameter.

You can achieve the same effect by chaining multiple commands with ipatool.

$ echo 284815942 | awk '{print ""$1}' | xargs curl -s | jq -r '.results | first | .bundleId' | xargs ipatool download -b