majd / ipatool

Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store
MIT License
5.35k stars 468 forks source link

Selection country #166

Closed dayanch96 closed 1 year ago

dayanch96 commented 1 year ago


Hi. If it possible on go, can you add country selection as it was in previous versions? (-c, --country) Thanks

dayanch96 commented 1 year ago

also, noticed that windows version doesn't work until you add extension ipatool => ipatool.exe

majd commented 1 year ago

You can only use ipatool to download apps that are available in the country of the App Store account. It's not possible to use a different store frontend than the one that is set for your Apple ID. The tool determines the country code based on the Apple ID you authenticate with. Allowing specifying the country would have no effect since the tool won't be able to download the app anyway.

majd commented 1 year ago

Releases from 2.0.3 and onwards will have the exe extension for windows builds.