majek / puka

Puka - the opinionated RabbitMQ client
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intermittent error in TestBasic.test_close #34

Closed schmir closed 11 years ago

schmir commented 11 years ago

I see intermittent errors in test_basic. I've seen this in test_close and test_basic_qos, when the code is waiting on the client.close() promise:

=============================================================== FAILURES ================================================================
_________________________________________________________ TestBasic.test_close __________________________________________________________

self = <test_basic.TestBasic testMethod=test_close>

    def test_close(self):
    client = puka.Client(self.amqp_url)
    promise = client.connect()

    promise = client.queue_declare(

    promise = client.basic_publish(exchange='',,

    consume_promise = client.basic_consume(
    msg_result = client.wait(consume_promise)

    promise = client.queue_delete(

    promise = client.close()
>       client.wait(promise)

client     = <puka.client.Client object at 0x2eb0fd0>
consume_promise = 5
msg_result = {'body': '0.479241924429', 'exchange': '', 'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4...'headers': {'x-puka-delivery-tag': 1}, 'redelivered': False, 'delivery_tag': 1}
promise    = 1
self       = <test_basic.TestBasic testMethod=test_close>

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = <puka.client.Client object at 0x2eb0fd0>, promise_numbers = set([1]), timeout = None, raise_errors = True

    def wait(self, promise_numbers, timeout=None, raise_errors=True):
        Wait for selected promises. Exit after promise runs a callback.
    if timeout is not None:
        t1 = time.time() + timeout
        td = None

    if isinstance(promise_numbers, int):
        promise_numbers = [promise_numbers]
    promise_numbers = set(promise_numbers)

    # Try flushing the write buffer before entering the loop, we
    # may as well return soon, and the user has no way to figure
    # out if the write buffer was flushed or not - (ie: did the
    # wait run select() or not)
    # This is problem is especially painful with regard to
    # async messages, like basic_ack. See #3.
    # Additionally, during the first round trip on windows - when
    # the connection is being established, the socket may not yet
    # be in the connected state - swallow an error in that case.
    except socket.error, e:
        if e.errno != errno.ENOTCONN:

    while True:
        while True:
        ready = promise_numbers & self.promises.ready
        if not ready:
        promise_number = ready.pop()
        return self.promises.run_callback(promise_number,

        if timeout is not None:
        t0 = time.time()
        td = t1 - t0
        if td < 0:

        r, w, e =[self],
                    [self] if self.needs_write() else [],
        if r or e:
>               self.on_read()

e          = []
promise_numbers = set([1])
r          = [<puka.client.Client object at 0x2eb0fd0>]
raise_errors = True
ready      = set([])
self       = <puka.client.Client object at 0x2eb0fd0>
td         = None
timeout    = None
w          = []

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = <puka.client.Client object at 0x2eb0fd0>

    def on_read(self):
        r =
    except socket.error, e:
        if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:

    if len(r) == 0:
        # a =, socket.SO_ERROR)


    if len(self.recv_buf) >= self.recv_need:
        data =
        offset = 0
        while len(data) - offset >= self.recv_need:
        offset, self.recv_need = \
>                   self._handle_read(data, offset)

data       = '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\n\x003\xce\x01\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00$\x00<\x00\x1f\x1famq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg\xce'
offset     = 12
r          = '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\n\x003\xce\x01\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00$\x00<\x00\x1f\x1famq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg\xce'
self       = <puka.client.Client object at 0x2eb0fd0>

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = <puka.client.Client object at 0x2eb0fd0>
data = '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\n\x003\xce\x01\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00$\x00<\x00\x1f\x1famq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg\xce'
start_offset = 12

    def _handle_frame_read(self, data, start_offset):
    offset = start_offset
    if len(data)-start_offset < 8:
        return start_offset, 8
    frame_type, channel, payload_size = \
        struct.unpack_from('!BHI', data, offset)
    offset += 7
    if len(data)-start_offset < 8+payload_size:
        return start_offset, 8+payload_size
    assert data[offset+payload_size] == '\xCE'

    if frame_type == 0x01: # Method frame
        method_id, = struct.unpack_from('!I', data, offset)
        offset += 4
        frame, offset = spec.METHODS[method_id](data, offset)
>           self.channels.channels[channel].inbound_method(frame)

channel    = 2
data       = '\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\n\x003\xce\x01\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00$\x00<\x00\x1f\x1famq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg\xce'
frame      = {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg'}
frame_type = 1
method_id  = 3932191
offset     = 55
payload_size = 36
self       = <puka.client.Client object at 0x2eb0fd0>
start_offset = 12

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = < object at 0x2eb0490>, frame = {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg'}

    def inbound_method(self, frame):
    if frame.has_content:
        self.method_frame = frame
>           self._handle_inbound(frame)

frame      = {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg'}
self       = < object at 0x2eb0490>

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = < object at 0x2eb0490>, result = {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg'}

    def _handle_inbound(self, result):
>       self.promise.recv_method(result)

result     = {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg'}
self       = < object at 0x2eb0490>

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = <puka.promise.Promise object at 0x2eb0810>, result = {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg'}

    def recv_method(self, result):
    # log.debug('#%i recv_method %r', self.number, result)
    # In this order, to allow callback to re-register to the same method.
>       callback = self.methods[result.method_id]
E       KeyError: 3932191

result     = {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-wjqFqhJU4E8LXaN5LIFpOg'}
self       = <puka.promise.Promise object at 0x2eb0810>

puka/ KeyError
================================================== 1 failed, 60 passed in 6.06 seconds ==================================================
majek commented 11 years ago

Any idea how can I reliably reproduce that? (or how to fix it / where the error lies)

schmir commented 11 years ago

I don't know how to reliably produce that. It feels like it fails 1 out of 30 times. The above traceback contains the values of local variables. Doesn't that give you a hint? (I know basically nothing about the wire protocol, so I don't even have a good guess what the problem may be)

schmir commented 11 years ago

I've added some print statements.

diff --git a/puka/ b/puka/
index 95d3d55..9e4b4e3 100644
--- a/puka/
+++ b/puka/
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class Promise(object):
     def recv_method(self, result):
+        print "RECV:", self.number, type(result), result
     # log.debug('#%i recv_method %r', self.number, result)
     # In this order, to allow callback to re-register to the same method.
     callback = self.methods[result.method_id]
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 1ed5fdd..d4bbb07 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -419,11 +419,16 @@ class TestBasic(base.TestCase):
     consume_promise = client.basic_consume(
+        print "CONSUME_PROMISE:", consume_promise
     msg_result = client.wait(consume_promise)
     promise = client.queue_delete(
+        # print "PROMISE:", promise
+        # client.wait(consume_promise)
+        print "QUEUE DELETED"
     promise = client.close()

With a successful run of test_basic I get the following output:

RECV: 1 <class 'puka.spec.FrameConnectionStart'> {'server_properties': {'information': 'Licensed under the MPL.  See', 'product': 'RabbitMQ', 'copyright': 'Copyright (C) 2007-2012 VMware, Inc.', 'capabilities': {'exchange_exchange_bindings': True, 'consumer_cancel_notify': True, 'publisher_confirms': True, 'basic.nack': True}, 'platform': 'Erlang/OTP', 'version': '2.8.6'}, 'version_minor': 9, 'mechanisms': 'PLAIN AMQPLAIN', 'locales': 'en_US', 'version_major': 0}
RECV: 1 <class 'puka.spec.FrameConnectionTune'> {'frame_max': 131072, 'channel_max': 0, 'heartbeat': 0}
RECV: 1 <class 'puka.spec.FrameConnectionOpenOk'> {'known_hosts': ''}
RECV: 2 <class 'puka.spec.FrameChannelOpenOk'> {'channel_id': ''}
RECV: 3 <class 'puka.spec.FrameChannelOpenOk'> {'channel_id': ''}
RECV: 2 <class 'puka.spec.FrameConfirmSelectOk'> {}
RECV: 3 <class 'puka.spec.FrameQueueDeclareOk'> {'queue': 'test0.297503201551', 'message_count': 0, 'consumer_count': 0}
RECV: 2 <class 'puka.spec.FrameBasicAck'> {'multiple': False, 'delivery_tag': 1}
RECV: 5 <class 'puka.spec.FrameBasicQosOk'> {}
RECV: 5 <class 'puka.spec.FrameBasicConsumeOk'> {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-gwAvLTEtzSr6sn878VmNB5'}
RECV: 5 <class 'puka.spec.FrameBasicDeliver'> {'body': '0.22912621845', 'exchange': '', 'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-gwAvLTEtzSr6sn878VmNB5', 'routing_key': 'test0.297503201551', 'headers': {'x-puka-delivery-tag': 1}, 'redelivered': False, 'delivery_tag': 1}
RECV: 6 <class 'puka.spec.FrameChannelOpenOk'> {'channel_id': ''}
RECV: 6 <class 'puka.spec.FrameQueueDeleteOk'> {'message_count': 0}
RECV: 5 <class 'puka.spec.FrameBasicCancel'> {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-gwAvLTEtzSr6sn878VmNB5', 'nowait': True}
RECV: 5 <class 'puka.spec.FrameBasicCancelOk'> {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-gwAvLTEtzSr6sn878VmNB5'}
RECV: 1 <class 'puka.spec.FrameConnectionCloseOk'> {}

On errors I get

RECV: 1 <class 'puka.spec.FrameConnectionCloseOk'> {}
RECV: 5 <class 'puka.spec.FrameBasicCancelOk'> {'consumer_tag': 'amq.ctag-wgB5BfsORMGmQVZrhfsECx'}

i.e. the client receives the FrameBasicCancelOk (for the consume_promise) after the FrameConnectionCloseOk.

Handling of FrameConnectionCloseOk involves calling the Connection._shutdown method, which marks the consume_promise as done.

Later on it can't handle the FrameBasicCancelOk frame...

majek commented 11 years ago

Interesting. So you're saying there is a race. Does it also happen when you add basic_cancel for the basic_consume promise?

I still can't reproduce this. Which RMQ do you use?

majek commented 11 years ago

i.e. the client receives the FrameBasicCancelOk (for the consume_promise) after the FrameConnectionCloseOk.

How is that even possible?

Do I get it right: on network layer RMQ first sends connection_close_ok frame and later sends basic_cancel_ok frame?

schmir commented 11 years ago

RabbitMQ 2.8.6 on a 64 bit linux. the tests are running on the same machine and I it looks like I need to put a bit of load on the machine. I've got something like os.walk implemented via RabbitMQ, which I run at the same time. I run the following shell command:

while true; do py.test --pdb -s -k test_close tests/; done

My guess it's possible that FrameBasicCancelOk is received after FrameConnectionCloseOk because RabbitMQ is sending it in exactly that order (and then closes the connection). :) Is that a bug in RabbitMQ?

If I basic_cancel the consume_promise before and wait for it all should be fine. since then rabbitmq doesn't have anything sensible to tell me. I wouldn't expect a problem...but if you insist on it, I can test it...

majek commented 11 years ago

Yes, I would say that after "connection close ok" frame on tcp/ip layer nothing should be sent by RMQ. I'm not sure if that really happens. If you can prove that, it would be nice to ask rabbitmq-discuss mailign list if they consider it a bug.

Should we clear receive buffer on handling of connection_close_ok frame?

(or even better: set a flag not to ignore all future reads from the network)

schmir commented 11 years ago

Setting a flag looks reasonable. Another option may be to throw an exception, and catch in the calling code...

I may have written a test for it, but I'm still waiting on your opinion on py.test.

Can you reproduce the issue with ? it's basically just a loop over the code in question. I can easily reproduce the error on a otherwise unloaded machine with two instances of this program running...

majek commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the code, now I can reproduce the issue :)

Try this:

diff --git a/puka/ b/puka/
index ae51c07..ec6ea61 100644
--- a/puka/
+++ b/puka/
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class Connection(object):
         if len(self.recv_buf) >= self.recv_need:
             data =
             offset = 0
-            while len(data) - offset >= self.recv_need:
+            while len(data) - offset >= self.recv_need and
                 offset, self.recv_need = \
                     self._handle_read(data, offset)
majek commented 11 years ago

Escalated here:

simonmacmullen commented 11 years ago

If you're happy building RabbitMQ from source, you can try branch bug25360, which I believe fixes the behaviour you're seeing in the server.

schmir commented 11 years ago

I tried it and I can't reproduce the issue when using that branch! Thanks!

majek commented 11 years ago

@schmir unless you oppose I'll apply the patch mentioned in

schmir commented 11 years ago

@majek sure, go ahead. that also seems to work.

schmir commented 11 years ago

probably better " is not None"