majensen / perlbolt

Neo4j server agent using Bolt protocol
Apache License 2.0
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Connection is unusable after server-side txn error followed by explicit rollback #51

Open johannessen opened 1 year ago

johannessen commented 1 year ago

If a query run inside an explicit transaction results in a Neo4j server error, calling rollback afterwards puts the connection into an unusable state.

According to the Neo4j docs, all server-side errors automatically cause a transaction to rollback and close. This makes the explicit rollback superfluous, possibly even an error condition. However, even if calls to rollback on a closed transaction are indeed treated as an error, that should still not be affecting the underlying connection.

Attempts to resolve the situation by calling reset_cxn were not successful.

my $cxn = Neo4j::Bolt->connect(...);
my $txn = Neo4j::Bolt::Txn->new($cxn);

# This combination triggers the issue:
eval {
  $txn->run_query("syntax error!");

$txn = undef;
my @query = ( "RETURN \$text", {text => "Connection works!"} );
my $text  = ( $cxn->run_query(@query)->fetch_next )[0];
say $text ? $text : "Failure";
   # expected:  Connection works!
   # actually:  Failure

say 'Connection err ', join ' ', $cxn->errnum, $cxn->errmsg;
   # Connection err -16 Connection closed

(I ran into this issue while overhauling the error handling of Neo4j::Driver.)