majestrate / XD

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storage permissions #69

Closed berturion closed 5 years ago

berturion commented 5 years ago


git revision / version: xd-torrent-git 0.3.3-1 (from AUR)

OS: Arch Linux ARM 64

Architecture: aarch64


I try to modify the permissions of the storage folder, its sub-folders and its files. I stopped the service, deleted the existing storage folder and, in a systemd overwrite, I put:


Then I restart the service. The storage folder is recreated. The storage folder and all its hierarchy have the correct nas group. But the permissions are still drwx------ instead of drwxrwx---. If I download files, they have all -rw------- permissions. I was expecting -rw-rw----. The UMask option seems to be ignored. Or maybe it is overwritten in the program itself. Is there an option to change the umask somewhere ? Can you help me getting files readable and writable by the group please ?

backtrace / error messages

Error messages: no

Backtrace: no

majestrate commented 5 years ago

ah, by default XD uses 0600 on permissions, which is not group readable. this should be configurable but is not, i'll work on this this weekend probably.

berturion commented 5 years ago

Ok thanks. I don't know well Go Lang, so if I say something stupid, I am sorry. But if you simply do not specify permissions when creating folders and files, I think that permissions will be handled by the operating system's users' umask. For example, if the user xd is running the process, and its umask in the system is 002, I think that permissions will be 0660. Also, maybe systemd unit UMask option could overwrite it. Am I wrong ?

majestrate commented 5 years ago

you're right, right now XD explicitly sets permissions to 0600 but it should instead respect umask when running on applicable platforms.

majestrate commented 5 years ago

just pushed

let me know if this fixes it for you.

berturion commented 5 years ago

I removed my AUR version, stopped the service, compiled and installed this version. I removed completely the storage folder. I created the xd.service and started it. The storage folder that is created is still drwx------. And torrent files also. Though, when I am connected with the xd user (that runs the process) and create folders, they have drwxr-xr-x permissions. Maybe there is another place where the 600 permission is set in the XD code ?

berturion commented 5 years ago

Maybe this ?

// ensure a file and its parent directory exists
func EnsureFile(fpath string, size uint64) (err error) {
    d, _ := filepath.Split(fpath)
    if d != "" {
        err = EnsureDir(d)
    if err == nil {
        _, err = os.Stat(fpath)
        if os.IsNotExist(err) {
            log.Debugf("create file %s", fpath)
            var f *os.File
            f, err = os.OpenFile(fpath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
            if err == nil {
                // fill with zeros
                if size > 0 {
                    _, err = io.CopyN(f, Zero, int64(size))

Or this ?

// save to filesystem
func (k *Keyfile) Store() (err error) {
    if len(k.fname) > 0 {
        var f *os.File
        f, err = os.OpenFile(k.fname, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
        if err == nil {
            err = k.write(f)
majestrate commented 5 years ago

you're right


berturion commented 5 years ago

Great! This is perfect. I tested with and without systemd UMask option, all is working as expected.