major / supernova

Use novaclient with multiple OpenStack nova environments the easy way
Apache License 2.0
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Should supernova be abandoned? #108

Open major opened 8 years ago

major commented 8 years ago

There are some issues at play that make supernova difficult to maintain:

I'm asking the supernova users to weigh in on:

  1. Abandoning supernova (and putting it into maintenance mode)
  2. Keep the project going, but adopt the openstackclient configuration file (abandoning ~/.supernova configuration files)

There may be other options that I haven't thought about, either. Feel free to add any suggestions you can think of here!

samjsharpe commented 8 years ago

If OSC includes roughly the same features as supernova then I vote for deprecation (1).

A nice way of doing it is by creating a branch of this repo that only contains a saying the project is in maintenance mode and then setting that branch to be the default for this github project so people can immediately see that's what's happened but the code on master is still available.

Bonus points if that also lists how to port any config in supernova to OSC and examples of equivalent commands.

yodermk commented 8 years ago

I've not used openstackclient but it looks good so (1) is fine with me.

ahill00 commented 8 years ago

I'm a heavy supernova user. I'd like to see option 2 with a new major version number.

Trozz commented 8 years ago

I have been a heavy supernova user for quite some time, but with the features of OSC I would vote for deprecation (1).

*Edit typo

major commented 8 years ago

@Trozz Thanks -- I assume you meant OSC (openstackclient)? :)

jimrollenhagen commented 8 years ago

I'd vote for (1.5): keep supernova around until the nova CLI is officially deprecated, then do (1).

(I think that's the long-term plan, anyway, not sure if there's a timeline yet. Bugging #openstack-nova now :P)

major commented 8 years ago

@andyhky Would you want supernova to work the same way but just use the clouds.yml as a backend?

major commented 8 years ago

Thanks, @jimrollenhagen!

rillip3 commented 8 years ago

I had not use openstack client previously, but getting Supernova to work now (mostly due to Nova dependencies) is kind of a PITA. I installed it to try it out right now, and I can definitely say I'd prefer to use something like Supernova to manage all these danged environment variables, particularly since to use a token I have to provide the service that the token is for (for some reason... I'm also sad it only takes token or password, not API key. Seems like a fundamental oversight in how APIs are used). I'd vote 2

major commented 8 years ago

@rillip3 Are you saying that openstackclient, other openstack tools, or supernova is difficult to install? I'd like to understand your use case and concerns a bit more.

jimrollenhagen commented 8 years ago

Turns out nova folks don't really have a plan to deprecate the CLI, and certainly not any time soon, so ignore me :)

rudymccomb commented 8 years ago

I agree with @Trozz I would rather option 2 than abandon it altogether. I am starting to use openstackclient but I have not seen a feature yet that allows it to manage multiple environments the way supernova does. That being said @rillip3 has a point getting it working is a pita. Too bad Supernova cant merge with openstackclient.

major commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the comments, @rudymccomb. What would you want to see from openstackclient that exists in supernova?

major commented 8 years ago

After a freenode discussion, I got a link to this bug:

Keyring support probably needs to come out unless there is a viable alternative. :(

dtroyer commented 8 years ago

@rudymccomb OSC uses os-client-config which provides ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml support for managing multiple cloud configurations. This is being added to some of the project CLIs also (I am unsure of status WRT nova offhand). This reduces env switching to setting --os-cloud (or OS_CLOUD) properly.

major commented 8 years ago

How about this going forward (perhaps for supernova 3.0?):

  1. Use the os-client-config module to use the ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml as the configuration backend
    • This would allow users to configure openstackclient properly (which is handy)
    • Then supernova could get its config from there
    • Lots more testing exists in os-client-config than in supernova ;)
  2. Remove keyring support
    • It sounds like the python keyring module needs work
    • For automated scripts, users should be vaulting their credentials anyway
  3. Update documentation to reflect the new changes

Comments? Concerns?

igueths commented 8 years ago

I would vote for option two here; I have been a Supernova user whenever I have had to do things with Nova, which admittedly has not been that frequently however that is starting to change.

ahill00 commented 8 years ago

@major - the plan in your comment[1] sounds reasonable.


msabramo commented 8 years ago

But does openstackclient support all the features that supernova supports?

I've just recently started playing with using openstackclient instead of novaclient and the clouds.yaml stuff from os_client_config is nifty, but does openstack client let you target multiple clouds with one command, like supernova does? Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see that feature.

Maybe some of the features of supernova (with targeting multiple environments at once, groups, and dynamic config coming to mind) could be contributed to openstackclient before supernova is deprecated?

aoyawale commented 8 years ago

not sure if I'm late to the party but, I vote for the second option. I just discovered supernova and it has made my life easier. We are still using an older openstack version so using supernova has given me less gray hairs.