majrdotapp / AX

Artist Experience (AX)
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Payouts - Working Ticket on Scope #3

Open jcannon-majr opened 4 weeks ago

jcannon-majr commented 4 weeks ago

Link to business working doc: DRAFT AX Payouts.docx Updated Aug 27th

Added 8/27 , doc and below:

Does Stripe allow us to export out / then we should lean on them for as much as possible

o   Yes they do. The Accounts API endpoint provides detailed information about each or all connected account. Example:

curl \

-u sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc:

Stripe Requirements @jeremy combined your doc into this scoping ticket

Commerce Onboarding

Connected Account Management

Refunds (Ship v1.5)

Adding Funds to Stripe


Notifications (v1.5)



Conversation notes:

jcannon-majr commented 4 weeks ago

Gather artist feedback

jcannon-majr commented 4 weeks ago

Yep, will do.

jcannon-majr commented 4 weeks ago

Moved to different team that explicilty doesn't sync to GitHub. Will the ticket persist the connection?

jcannon-majr commented 4 weeks ago

Seems like it does.

jcannon-majr commented 4 weeks ago

Still syncing

jcannon-majr commented 4 weeks ago

which thread syncs to GitHub?

jcannon-majr commented 4 weeks ago

now mine does!

jcannon-majr commented 4 weeks ago

Where does this appear? :)