majuss / easybox904

This is a step by step guide to open your easybox 904 xDSL for the usage with every provider, without MIC.
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Easybox wont load Image #31

Closed Bernd123123 closed 5 years ago

Bernd123123 commented 5 years ago


thanks for this guide. After having some problems with my tftp setup yesterday, iam pretty shure that i set it up correctly today. I could connect via both: and and successfully download the fullimage.img in the ftptpboot directory. And i checked via ifconfig, that the ip adress of my PC is indeed also i did allow ftp in my firewall settings. As far as i understand this is all if have to do for the easybox to automatically load the image when in rescue mode and connected via Lan. But mine just doesnt. I get the red screen but then nothing ever happens.

My ifconfig also shows a IPv6 adress. do i need to turn it off?

Thanks in advance for any help.

majuss commented 5 years ago

If you still have an IPV6 address you are still connected to a router. Please disable all Wifi etc. Your Computer should ONLY have the manually set IPV4 and should be connected ONLY to the easybox. Which OS are you using?

Bernd123123 commented 5 years ago

Im using Ubuntu. 18.04 Clean. just setup for this. on a stick. I disabled the network-manager via systemctl stop, as you suggest in the guide. but for using ifconfig i always have to install net-tools first.' Also its a DesktopPC, so there is no WiFi card/adapter in it, as far as i know. It only should have Ethernet. I also kinda tryied to set it up manually by not disabeling networkmanager and disabeling IPV6 in UI and set the IP adress in UI, but it didnt work either.

SO how do i disable all remaining Connections in Ubuntu? ANd is this also possible with a OpenTFTP from windows?

BUt thanks a lot for the fast answer.

majuss commented 5 years ago

You should read the openWrt guide, it describes everything in detail for the Ubuntu tftp setup starting at point 12. Windows will brick your box with a 99% chance.

Bernd123123 commented 5 years ago

The other guide worked. Thanks a thousand times!