majuss / easybox904

This is a step by step guide to open your easybox 904 xDSL for the usage with every provider, without MIC.
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DSL Speed #41

Closed homerograco closed 5 years ago

homerograco commented 5 years ago

Hi again!

I decided to give OpenWRT a try. I followed your steps and everything was fine up to the end (the only hiccup was that the OpenWRT image has no nano and I used vi instead), thanks a lot for the tutorial!

I have one small issue though, my modem seems to be stuck with legacy DSL speeds. I performed various tests and it never goes above 19Mbps down / 1.5Mbps up. I decided to inspect etc/config/networks and noticed that the dsl config session has annex 'a' and mode 'av' which to me looks like ADSL (and would explain why the speed is low). I am not an expert tho, and don't know if this explains the speeds.

Would you know which values I should put there to enable full VDSL? I have a 50Mbps subscription and want to use it to its full potential.

Thanks a lot!

majuss commented 5 years ago

It sounds like the modem firmware was not loaded correctly and openWrt has fallen back to the slow integrated. Can you please show me the config line for the firmware file? Are you sure the firmware is in place?

Another problem is: When the DSLAM is measuring to many problems with your DSL-connection, it slows down the speed so it's save and without errors. Over 3 days the DSLAM will speed up the connection.

homerograco commented 5 years ago

I am not home now, but later I can give you more details.

Just for information, I remember checking lib/firmware and noticed a lantiqxxxx-a file and a a-to-b-patch one. I thought that was a bit funny because I expected that main firmware file to be lantiqxxx-b ...but anyway, not sure if this helps. I will check everything once I am home.


majuss commented 5 years ago

scp freetz-devel/squashfs-root/lib/modules/dsp_vr9/release-vr9-B-dsl.bin root@

This command should create a file called: fw.bin if it's not in place you have to copy it over again.

homerograco commented 5 years ago

Alright, will check this! Thanks!

homerograco commented 5 years ago

so... I performed the whole installation and made sure fw.binis placed at /lib but still my connection is limited to legacy speeds.

In my /etc/config/network I have

config dsl 'dsl'                                                    
        option annex 'a'                                            
        option tone 'av'                                            

Here is where I thought annex and tone would be different for VDSL 50. The problem is, I can't find this information anywhere in the OpenWRT forums...

/lib/firmware has


shouldn't fw.bin be there too?

PS: I don't think there is a problem with the DSLAM because it was hitting 55Mbps just before I installed OpenWRT, so I am discarding this option.

majuss commented 5 years ago

Whoops the line to add the firmware path is actually missing in my guide :D just go onto the GUI and enter the path to fw.bin there.

homerograco commented 5 years ago

That was it ;)

Just add option firmware '/lib/fw.bin' to config dsl section in /etc/config/network like this:

config dsl 'dsl'                                                    
        option annex 'a'                                            
        option tone 'av'
        option firmware '/lib/fw.bin'

and it is fixed.

(question now is: how to "unlock" even more speed? :P )

Thanks for your help, very appreciated!