Currently, offline passwords (if Vk is disabled) can be set by ssh only. This must be changed to web-view, that is turned on from The User Story:
Situation: MIPT is offline.
2.1. Site reliable admin (superuser) sets some variable (Password Variable, or PVar) to True.
2.2. The True on PVar makes possible for all superusers to search other users (enables a special page, or SPage).
Superuser comes at some place with his notebook.
Other users come, provide student document.
Superuser searches the student in database, opens SPage, gives a piece of paper to a student.
The student clicks 'generate password'.
A strong password is generated, its hash is saved in database and only then shown to the student.
The student writes down his new passport.
Currently, offline passwords (if Vk is disabled) can be set by ssh only. This must be changed to web-view, that is turned on from The User Story: