makamys / rechat-dl

Simple python script to download Chat Replay messages from Twitch VODs
The Unlicense
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Twitch API for the initial video information request changed #7

Open jmbreuer opened 2 years ago

jmbreuer commented 2 years ago

To work as of today, the v5 video request needs some extra massaging:

auth = "OAuth ..." # token easily grabbed from browser devtools, I'm not sure how volatile or personalized this is
cid = "..." # also easily grabbed, needs to match auth above
vod_info = requests.get("" + sys.argv[1], headers={"Accept": "application/vnd.twitchtv.v
5+json", "Client-ID": cid, "Authorization": auth}).json()

After this small update, the rest of the script worked perfectly to get me a chat transcript I was looking for a timestamp in 😎

makamys commented 2 years ago

I didn't even realize this thing was still (mostly) working, I've completely forgotten about it at this point. I released it into the public domain now, so feel free to fork it. But you might want to use instead as it's still being actively maintained. I'll archive this repo soon.

SebiderSushi commented 2 years ago

I'm just using the script with just a CID and no OAuth token by not getting the vod-info at the start since retrieving messages works with the script as-is...