make-all / tuya-local

Local support for Tuya devices in Home Assistant
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Temperature off by a factor of 10 with some Entities #1907

Closed Mrsash2020 closed 1 week ago

Mrsash2020 commented 3 weeks ago

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Ok so brought this device to monitor my Aquarium which works perfectly in tuya app. It also has temp and humidity high and low alarms to be setup. So I try to maintain the temp of the Aquarium around 30 deg C for tropical setup. In the tuya app I am able to set the temp high to 34 and low to 26 for alarms.

In HA I was able to get the current temp which is around 28.3 deg C fine but the limits have to setup in multiples of 10, so I need to somehow divide it by 10 else the alarms go off in the tuya app because setting it up as 26 and 34, sets it up in tuya as 2.6 and 3.4 etc. See pic

No bug report really because nothing is actually erroring out.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Additional context I added this device with 3.4 in config as 3.3 did not work. Not sure if that is related at all.

If the bug involves a device, then please include device diagnostics from Settings / Devices & Services / Tuya Local (your device) / "1 device"

Please check if there are messages from Tuya Local in the Home Assistant log (Settings / System / Logs), and include those too.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. 20240512_011140 Screenshot_20240512_011055_Tuya Smart

make-all commented 3 weeks ago

You seem to have a variant of a supported device with different temperature scale, but there is no log or diagnostics attached to your report that would show which device config you are using.

Mrsash2020 commented 3 weeks ago

I will attach it. Not sure if I should be removing any info from it. config_entry-tuya_local-15ed4e2d7f83f3533423d2788fe947b7 (1).json

There is no HA log mentioning this device at all.

Mrsash2020 commented 2 weeks ago

Do I need to add any more info? I do note the temp is showing correctly but the limits for the alarms are off by a factor of 10.


make-all commented 2 weeks ago

Are you trying the latest development version, or still on the last release?

Mrsash2020 commented 2 weeks ago

Latest release, which also has the issue that I have to reload all devices since they become unresponsive after reboot

make-all commented 2 weeks ago

I think that is not even the latest release then, but the April release, before a series of hotfixes were attempted following the HA 2024.5 release which caused the above problem

Mrsash2020 commented 2 weeks ago

ok I heard about it but have nothing in the way of updates. I update to latest usually. On Tuya Local 2024.3.2



Sorry am I missing something? what is the usual way of receiving an update? Not trying to be smart, but genuinely confused.

make-all commented 2 weeks ago

If you installed via HACS, then it should take care of prompting you when there is an update (but if you pressed "Ignore" at any stage, it may have stopped prompting). If you installed tuya-local manually, you will need to check for updates yourself. The latest now is 2024.5.2

Mrsash2020 commented 2 weeks ago

Nope never hit ignore. Installed through Settings> Devices and services> Add integrations > Tuya Local. Think first needed to add in hacs.

Update: Ok just went to hacs again and clicked on add integration again and now the update shows up. So now I am all updated to 2024.5.2.

The issue raised still remains. The issue where I have to reload devices has been resolved.


Mrsash2020 commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry may I ask if there is any update? I am now using the latest version but am thinking you were wanting me to test a development version? Sorry how do you access it?

Mrsash2020 commented 1 week ago

I was wondering why mine wasn't showing. I had to again go to hacs for the update to show. Curious when was it released?

BTW thank you so much for fixing this.