make-all / tuya-local

Local support for Tuya devices in Home Assistant
MIT License
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Request support for WVC Micro Inverter #1932

Open en5ads opened 2 weeks ago

en5ads commented 2 weeks ago

Log Message

Device matches hama_radiator_controller with quality of 30%. DPS: {"updated_at": 1716038851.0550244, "2": 111, "10": 132015, "15": "WVC-1600", "16": "A8.2023.0705", "17": "ES20230705E01E", "18": 39, "101": true, "102": 1434, "103": 1320, "105": 100}

Information about DPS mappings

Name,           DP, Example, matches app
Total,          2, 1.13kwh, ok
DC Input,       3, APgAHQLV, not shown
Turn on and off, 101, on, ok
Photovoltaic power, 102, 75.10W, ok
AC Grid, 7, CXMAAT0BTjgB9A==, not sure, 242.2v? or 50Hz?, or 0.334A?
AC Power, 103, 81W, ok
Reset Battery, 104, not shown, 
Inverter Power Adjustment, 105, 100%, yes
Total power, 10, 91.41kW, yes
Alarm, 11, empty, not sure
Work Mode, 12, empty, not sure
Inverter Alarm Set 1, 13, empty, not sure, 
Inverter Alarm Set 2, 14, empty, not sure
Inverter Type, 15, WVC-1600, yes
Inverter ID, 16, A8.2023.0705, yes
imei imsi, 17, ES20230705E01E, yes
Inverter Temperature, 18, 3.80 oC, needs scaling by 10, i.e. should be 38oc
Also from tinytuya
 "mapping": {
            "2": {
                "code": "reverse_energy_total",
                "type": "Integer",
                "values": {
                    "unit": "kW\u00b7h",
                    "min": 0,
                    "max": 99999999,
                    "scale": 2,
                    "step": 1
            "10": {
                "code": "power_total",
                "type": "Integer",
                "values": {
                    "unit": "kW",
                    "min": 0,
                    "max": 50000000,
                    "scale": 3,
                    "step": 1
            "12": {
                "code": "work_mode",
                "type": "Enum",
                "values": {
                    "range": [
            "18": {
                "code": "temp_current",
                "type": "Integer",
                "values": {
                    "unit": "\u00b0C",
                    "min": -40,
                    "max": 150,
                    "scale": 1,
                    "step": 1

Product ID

"product_id": "7bqwya0ydtz4q3ss",

Information about how the device functions

en5ads commented 1 week ago

Hello, I put the following together which seems to work