make4all / psst

Repository for sonification
MIT License
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ideate on interfaces to link JacDac data to a Vega payload #8

Open venkateshpotluri opened 2 years ago

venkateshpotluri commented 2 years ago

our ultimate goal with the sonification library is to send it Vega-lite payloads and consume sound player functionality. #6 examines the sonification APIs, but to my understanding, this investigation should be about how to create the vega payload to sonify, and how to integrate the sound player functionality into the interface that displays the data. @jmankoff, @pelikhan and @jamesadevine please add comments if you believe there are missing details of this to-do from the meeting.

pelikhan commented 2 years ago

this looks about right. it might be good to ask for tips from the vega developers