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Need to link data from space API to website #83

Closed brendam closed 10 years ago

brendam commented 10 years ago gets set by the spaceprobe being turned on and off. The website home page uses to look for a local /spaceapi.json file. We need to link these two up so that the open/closed gets toggled on the webpage.

jamiereid commented 10 years ago

Created a dev branch and set up the rackspace server to pull it down (although, that bit is currently not working as per autobuild issue)

jamiereid commented 10 years ago

I set up an alias in apache for /spaceapi.json (this way it doesn't get deleted when we build the site from source) to /var/www/spaceapi.json

I added a job in root's crontab to download the file from every five minutes.

The time (and which user the file is downloaded as) may need tweaking. Does anyone have any thoughts?

jamiereid commented 10 years ago

Closing this issue as it's resolved. But we may need to keep an eye on the five minute cron and see if it causes any issues (I don't think it will).