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Clothing made from extracted helper not following Nipple Pointiness slider properly #173

Open Hunanbean opened 2 years ago

Hunanbean commented 2 years ago

May affect other helpers as well. Clothing made from extracted from Tights helper does not obey the female Nipple Pointiness slider. THis can be seen in its simplest form by Making clothes, extract tights helper, and just export that extracted helpers as, say, body suit. Then in MH you can see if you adjust the breast size, the nipples point through. If you lessen the Nipple Pointiness slider, you can avoid most of the clipping. But it seems the main issue is the clothing not following the Nipple Pointiness slider to begin with.

Thank you

Hunanbean commented 2 years ago

To clarify, it does not matter what you are Scaling On, be it Body or Torso. Also, if you make the same exact clothes but Extract from Body, the problem does not exist.

Hunanbean commented 2 years ago

I see now that this has to do with the entirely different geometry and low poly nature of the Tights Helper in the breast area. I will leave it up to you guys as to whether this is a fixable problem, or just a something the user needs to account for.

Thank you

black-punkduck commented 2 years ago

oops I am a bit late. There are more problems than only the nipples (I guess you mean pointiness of the breasts themselves, these small nipple targets should work the other way round, decrease it, when she wears clothes ... ).

I have the experience that a lot of other targets also have a more or less "strange behaviour", check the waist line when you change from male to female with clothes on. If I would do sth like that today I would keep them at the same height. Unfortunately then I have to change hundreds of targets.

All breast targets create strange effects on clothes. In reality one will need more fabric for bigger breasts, except we work with e.g. latex, but in MH each texture is stretched like a balloon.

Some fixes can be made, but only a few people know, that this is also possible: What you can do is a corrective target for only the helper. Especially when you move the breasts up or only increase them, some clothes would follow the silhouette (like a tight costume) but some others not. So if that does not look good create a custom target which only changes the helper. For a nude character it does nothing of course.

Hunanbean commented 2 years ago

Apologies for the very late reply. "What you can do is a corrective target for only the helper" That is exactly what i ended up doing :) Although, there is still the additional problem with the male nipples. I will open a seperate issue about that.
