It seems that in the v1.3.0 some of the properties are wrapped in b'....'. If I delete these from the fbx ascii file the file loads fine into 3dsmax. Here is an example P: "b'MHName'", "b'KString'", "b''", "b'U'", "exports_newnobones_asciiMesh" I assume this is the same issue with loading a binary file also, though I haven't checked that yet.
It seems that in the v1.3.0 some of the properties are wrapped in b'....'. If I delete these from the fbx ascii file the file loads fine into 3dsmax. Here is an example P: "b'MHName'", "b'KString'", "b''", "b'U'", "exports_newnobones_asciiMesh" I assume this is the same issue with loading a binary file also, though I haven't checked that yet.