makeopensource / devU

Autograder version 4
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Added Role toggle #97

Closed RA341 closed 4 months ago

RA341 commented 4 months ago

Proposed changes

Adds a toggle on navbar at the top of the page. The value is manged using redux in devU-client/src/redux/role.redux.ts, the final value is also stored in localstorage for persistence between page switches and reloads

For now the toggle can hide create buttons on the courses and assignments page.

If any page needs to access the role they can easily access this using

const role = useAppSelector((store) => store.roleMode)

which will give them access to the role value and a utility function isInstructor


role.userRole // access the value itself


role.isInstructor() // utility function which returns true if toggled to instructor

Types of changes

What types of changes does your code introduce? Put an x in the boxes that apply


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