makerbase-mks / MKS-DLC32

MKS DLC32 motherboard kit, which is an offline engraving master control kit developed for desktop engraving machines. The hardware is equipped with a 32-bit high-speed ESP32 module, integrated WIFI function, and directly drives a 3.5-inch touch color screen; it can realize fast engraving and WEB web pages. Control, mobile phone APP control and other functions.
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Inaccurate. Bad repeatability #332

Open villamany opened 1 year ago

villamany commented 1 year ago

After a lot of headaches checking and rechecking all the hardware and almost giving up. I have verified that there is a serious bug in the firmware. If you repeat the same gcode file over and over again you will see that the position of the engraving (i use a laser diode) varies very slightly making it impossible to finish a quality job that requires several passes (tenths of a millimeter). There must be an error in the code, perhaps with the decimals that makes the repeatability bad.

Afte check-recheck all hardware, as a last resort I replaced the firmware by anothe one (fluidNC) and the result is perfect, as expected. All the passes match perfectly.

Which has led me to verify that it is a firmware bug.

--Added result from same machine, same gcode file, same "grbl settings". Only replaced firmware. I got a 900x900mm working area and file consist on several rapid moves around all area and then engrave a 20x20mm square in middle,

photo1674854333 (1) photo1674854333

villamany commented 1 year ago

Finally solved by increasing the Step pulse time from 6 to 8us. It seems to work fine. So i leave it at 10us for marging Not much sense because fluidNC at 4us works fine, but at least now is working as expected.

prosoftJit commented 1 year ago

I dont believe that. I have fighted this problem for some time now and cant find a solution. Always think its my hardware. Changed some parts... i just cant get two passes one exactly over another with my diy diode laser (zbaitu 20W). I made the change you suggested and will run some testes before report back... thank you

Charus-OV commented 1 year ago

Yes. I can confirm. I had the same problem. We need to increase $0=10 and it will work well.

maadmackz commented 1 year ago

i had to take step pulse to 10 , i also was noticing alot of interference in my wiring, after a more appropriate cleanup and cable management now it works as expected.