makerbase-mks / MKS-DLC32

MKS DLC32 motherboard kit, which is an offline engraving master control kit developed for desktop engraving machines. The hardware is equipped with a 32-bit high-speed ESP32 module, integrated WIFI function, and directly drives a 3.5-inch touch color screen; it can realize fast engraving and WEB web pages. Control, mobile phone APP control and other functions.
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Converting a router driller OZO with multiple tools and replacing the PC386 and his I/O card. #446

Open YvesPlusquin opened 6 months ago

YvesPlusquin commented 6 months ago

doomannihilation01 These are the pin out values for the DB25 connector :

1 gnd Outputs 2 ph clock 3 ph dir 4 z clock 5 z dir 6 y clock 7 y dir 8 x clock 9 x dir 10 hw enable 11 spindle frequency 12 solenoid


13 Machine pause 14 x flag 15 y flag 16 z flag 17 ph / flag / foot switch 18 ch x -a 19 ch x -b 20 x index 21 ch y -a 22 ch y -b 23 y index 24 z index 25 not used

ph is a 4th axis that is not used. HW is hand wheels is not used.

2-12 are outputs from the Stepper Card 13-24 are inputs to the Stepper Card

clock - goes up (5v) and down (0v) for each step. this will change only for a brief time after pressing the arrow keys (or the PageUp or PageDown keys) in DIGIT.

dir - will be high for moving the axis one direction and low for moving back the other direction.

flag - is low when the axis is near the home position. index - is high once per revolution. NOTE: I may be wrong on the sense (high or low) They may be reversed.

Encoder : ch - is Channel A or B for each axis. They go up and down whenever the axis is moving.

On the StepperIO or John Bell card, Encoder pulses are counted by 7066/7166 & read by 8255s

Two 74LS123 on Spindle Control card are pulse stretcher for Index signal

So Have to replace the PC with the MKS dlc32

Questions & help needed****

-- Is the MKS dlc32 able to manage a tool change? When picking tools, there is a solenoid for pneumatic opening og the collet

-- Is the MKS dlc32 able to send a frequency signal 0 to 1khz to run the spindle and control the collet position (no spindle when the collet is open (solenoid on).

-- I have an anaheim driver for 4 axis. is the MKS 32 able to use a fourth axis? (like a rotary positionner for example laser engraving a cylindrical part?

XYZ have flag I can use as Zeroing. but I have XYZ index for ultra precise position. How can I use them?

Thank you for help in this this new project.

My system is too slow to follow round xy gcodes and the laser burn instead of engrave and not enough slow for laser cutting. When I adjust the clock of the processor, the laser work but the spindle got positionnal errors And I change the system as the laser works with a switch on the Z axis instead of a proper command. So except vector files, it cannot make rasterized or dense engraving without worning out the z axis not made like a sewing machine. And this is a pain to transfer NC code on a win 3.11 machine from 1986. (it connect on win 7 but not on more recent windows machine, limited also in file lenght. This is obsolete. The only avantage is to digitize and generate usable Gcode for drill and routing. files. But is it a strong machine with marble and very high precision. and a rack type tool support on the Z axis. The table has also pins for switching side perfectly when engraving on 2 faces and then drilling the pads at the exact position. It has also a plotter, a cutter, a drill head, a router head and an etching head, a micrometer head, a scope and photoplotter head. and now a laser head.