MKS SGEN_L V2.0 is powerful 32-bit 3D printer control board. The CPU is LPC1769 120MHZ, SGEN_L V2 hardware Integrated 4KB EEPROM, 5AXIS and dual Z interface, has 2 way FANs and Dc12/24V out interface, support TMC UART and SPI mode...
I'm trying to autotune hotend pid 'm303 e0 s230 c8' but if I use the results I always get temperature runout error, in change if I use standard Marlin values the hotend works right
I'm trying to autotune hotend pid 'm303 e0 s230 c8' but if I use the results I always get temperature runout error, in change if I use standard Marlin values the hotend works right