makerbase-mks / MKS-StepStick-Driver

Include MKS TMC2209, MKS TMC2225, MKS TMC2208, MKS TB67S109 and so on
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Weird UART problem with ESP32 #11

Open Angelo13C opened 3 months ago

Angelo13C commented 3 months ago

Hi! I have a MKS TMC2209 v2.0 silentstepstick driver connected to a custom PCB that I made. I am using the TMC2209 arduino library to communicate with my driver, this is the code (it's a slightly modified example present in the library's repo):

#include <TMC2209.h>

// This example will not work on Arduino boards without HardwareSerial ports,
// such as the Uno, Nano, and Mini.
// See this reference for more details:

HardwareSerial & serial_stream = Serial1;

const long SERIAL_BAUD_RATE = 115200;
const int DELAY = 1000;
const int RX_PIN = 17;
const int TX_PIN = 18;

// Instantiate TMC2209
TMC2209 stepper_driver;

void setup()

  stepper_driver.setup(serial_stream,SERIAL_BAUD_RATE,TMC2209::SERIAL_ADDRESS_0, RX_PIN, TX_PIN);

void loop()
  if (stepper_driver.isSetupAndCommunicating())
    Serial.println("Stepper driver is setup and communicating!");
    Serial.println("Try turning driver power off to see what happens.");
  else if (stepper_driver.isCommunicatingButNotSetup())
    Serial.println("Stepper driver is communicating but not setup!");
    Serial.println("Running setup again...");
    Serial.println("Stepper driver is not communicating!");
    Serial.println("Try turning driver power on to see what happens.");

Now it always prints "Stepper driver is not communicating!"... The weird thing is that I attached my oscilloscope to the PDN_UART pin of the driver and this is what I see


As you can see the ESP32 sends the data to the driver, the driver replies but the 0 bits of the reply don't go all the way down to 0V but stay around 2.4V.. which is really weird, and probably my ESP32 doesn't recognize 2.4V as a low value (because it's too high voltage).

Do you have any idea what the problem could be?

I connected my driver like in this image:

The only thing is that the I/O voltage is 3.3V and not 5V (because I am not using an Arduino but I am using an ESP32)

Angelo13C commented 3 months ago

I think it's related to this problem:

But I can't understand how to solve it (I am using an ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 and not the one in the link.. but the problem is similar, probably a pull up resistor?)