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CDIP 24 - DAI LatAm Action Groups #670

Closed Davidutro closed 3 years ago

Davidutro commented 4 years ago

Title: DAI LatAm Action Groups

Leads: Rocketchat: @marianodp, @Nadia

Advisor: @Davidutro


CDIP 24 Google Doc

Proposal abstract: Run a 3-month program to fund local community building and market research in Brazil and Venezuela. This will be done through the creation of "action groups" made up of passionate local community members who will be granted a monthly stipend along with a set of tasks and goals.

If the first three months go well the intention is to renew for the complete 6 months with refined tasks and goals.

Why are we working on this?

Long Term (Mission Orientated):

Short Term (Action Orientated):

The Countries

Venezuela is an oppressed country with hyperinflation, capital controls, and a devalued currency. Due to the country’s restrictions (political and social) is important to have a local group that helps us to understand the different rules and caveats around crypto.

Brazil is the biggest market in LatAm and after several years of having a strong currency, the devaluation of the Real is a reality. In Brazil, we need an action group that can help us not just with the message but also translating all the information around Maker and Dai into Portuguese. Brazilians are more open to trusting new projects when they know there are Brazilians behind.


Tasks for members of these action teams:

Milestones per country:



Questions from reviewers:

  1. Is the funding for both of you, or is it for distributing as compensation to community members who help build, manage, and communicate on the social media channels? Funding is for compensation to members willing to own all the goals of the Action group. They will invoice you or Rich as we do with DIY meetup.
  2. How will you track the progress of the action groups? Will there be any documentation of their work? Yes, we will have constant contact with members of these action groups and document their progress because our objective is to replicate this in other LatAm countries. The idea is to set quarterly goals (defined in the proposal) and have weekly calls to help them to set a plan and track their progress.
Davidutro commented 3 years ago

Status update:

It is currently the end of month 2 of this 3-month pilot.

I believe as we approach the end of October there will be a retrospective meeting to review how this pilot went, and I suppose to decide on how to go about possible future funding.

As the advisor on the CDIP I will be reaching out the team, and Leads to schedule a call.

Davidutro commented 3 years ago

Call scheduled for 2pm EST Tuesday 20th October

Davidutro commented 3 years ago

Feedback about the pilot:

Questions for the retro:

What documentation was produced about the countries?

VZ: We have a Dai vz Medium that includes a number of articles that are pointed towards VZ specific use cases and needs. We have a website with basic beginner information.

BR: We have a MakerDAO Br Medium that includes a number of articles that are pointed towards VZ specific use cases and needs.

Both accounts and blog posts are catered to the country-specific audience.

Mariano Dp: We are seeing that having these communities gives us feedback from people about public information that is wrong. These communities provide an important feedback loop, giving us the ability to create a higher integrity environment with the public media.

Have you experienced any community rockstars, super active people?

You meet people here that help the community and don't expect anything in exchange.

What do you see is the purpose and function of the action group moving forward?

The purpose of moving forward is content creating, and being focused on having more conversations with shops and exchanges to make Dai viable for exchanging with local currency. Additionally, the purpose of getting more and more momentum around media, publicity, etc.

In Brazil, it's more content and education.

I want to suggest also using the groups to plug people into growth opportunities.

Regarding the content: At first, with Mariano, we thought about including it into the Maker blog, but I think it will make more sense having a section in the community portal, publishing that content there. They are creating a ton of stuff that should be housed in one place.

What are the results of the program, any tracked KPIs?

Create a google sheet to document the KPIs - David

Biggest thing you learned during this pilot?

Learning to work in a group. I have to do my job properly for others in our community to do their jobs well - Caio

It's amazing to be creating a community. - Caio

I learned a lot about Marketing. Also communicating in gradients of complexity so that everyone can understand the content. - Alejandro

Biggest obstacle you or the team faced during the pilot?

The universal obstacle is the gas issues preventing people from becoming users. People became more cautious with using Dai because of high unpredictable gas fees. This is why we used Dharma and Argent, but ultimately both platforms had issues. Dharma, for example, wasn't user friendly since it was English only. - Luis

Layer 2s are hard to garner people to trust them. You still need to tx a high gas price to lock funds into L2 solutions. - Caio

Can this be sustainable?

Funding can be created from Youtube channels. Funding can be attained through grants directly from the Maker Protocol in the future.

Caio, I think for the community there is no other way to get the word out without having this. Without funding, it will not be as fast to grow. If you rely on people who do things for free it will still work, and they exist. Paid communicators are consistent, produce higher quality content, etc. Also, the fact that the producer of content is getting funded and working with MakerDAO gives those content producers credibility.

Next Steps:

I will aim to present to approval committee on Oct 26 or Nov 02nd - David

Link to call recording (by permission only)

Call Recording

Davidutro commented 3 years ago

Venezuela team summary of for October 2020

amy-jung commented 3 years ago

Closed - See Issue #1133 for all the good stuff