One of my contract method will returns more than one params, How can I get them? I used multicall like this but It doesn't work
const dis = await aggregate([ { target: stakingFactoryId, call: [ 'distributionEras(uint8)(uint256,uint256,uint256)', 0 ], returns: [ ['amount'], ['startHeight'], ['stopHeight'] ] } ], Multi_Config) console.log({dis});
One of my contract method will returns more than one params, How can I get them? I used multicall like this but It doesn't work
const dis = await aggregate([ { target: stakingFactoryId, call: [ 'distributionEras(uint8)(uint256,uint256,uint256)', 0 ], returns: [ ['amount'], ['startHeight'], ['stopHeight'] ] } ], Multi_Config) console.log({dis});