makerdao / spells-mainnet

Staging repo for MakerDAO weekly executive spells
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
107 stars 43 forks source link

2023-09-13 Executive Spell #365

Closed SidestreamSweatyPumpkin closed 9 months ago

SidestreamSweatyPumpkin commented 9 months ago


This PR implements executive spell planned for 2023-09-13.

Contribution Checklist


DaiFoundation-DevOps commented 9 months ago

CLA assistant check
All committers have signed the CLA.

SidestreamColdMelon commented 9 months ago
./scripts/ no-match="" match="" block=""
Using DssExecLib at: 0x8De6DDbCd5053d32292AAA0D2105A32d108484a6
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠃] Compiling 4 files with 0.8.16
[⠒] Solc 0.8.16 finished in 1.87s
Compiler run successful!

Running 2 tests for src/test/starknet.t.sol:StarknetTests
[PASS] testStarknet() (gas: 1285145)
[PASS] testStarknetSpell() (gas: 2346)
Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 413.88s

Running 22 tests for src/DssSpell.t.sol:DssSpellTest
[PASS] testAuth() (gas: 9223371487105890401)
[PASS] testAuthInSources() (gas: 9223371487099493823)
[PASS] testBytecodeMatches() (gas: 2756205)
[PASS] testCastCost() (gas: 1130538)
[PASS] testChainlogValues() (gas: 9990598)
[PASS] testChainlogVersionBump() (gas: 3766923)
[PASS] testContractSize() (gas: 8984)
[PASS] testDeployCost() (gas: 2740753)
[PASS] testFailNotScheduled() (gas: 14420)
[PASS] testFailTooEarly() (gas: 13607)
[PASS] testFailTooLate() (gas: 13562)
[PASS] testFailWrongDay() (gas: 13563)
[PASS] testGeneral() (gas: 36939568)
[PASS] testMKRPayments() (gas: 1247971)
[PASS] testNewChainlogValues() (gas: 1133765)
[PASS] testNextCastTime() (gas: 353637)
[PASS] testOnTime() (gas: 1126244)
[PASS] testPSMs() (gas: 2500853)
[PASS] testRemoveChainlogValues() (gas: 1132241)
[PASS] testScuttleMcdCat() (gas: 1144821)
[PASS] testSparkSpellIsExecuted() (gas: 1129780)
[PASS] testUseEta() (gas: 352324)
Test result: ok. 22 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 988.94s

Ran 2 test suites: 24 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (24 total tests)

Good to deploy 👍

amusingaxl commented 9 months ago
Using DssExecLib at: 0x8De6DDbCd5053d32292AAA0D2105A32d108484a6
[⠑] Compiling...
[⠒] Compiling 4 files with 0.8.16
[⠊] Solc 0.8.16 finished in 2.28s
Compiler run successful!

Running 2 tests for src/test/starknet.t.sol:StarknetTests
[PASS] testStarknet() (gas: 1284110)
[PASS] testStarknetSpell() (gas: 2346)
Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 17.76s

Running 22 tests for src/DssSpell.t.sol:DssSpellTest
[PASS] testAuth() (gas: 9223371487105890401)
[PASS] testAuthInSources() (gas: 9223371487099493823)
[PASS] testBytecodeMatches() (gas: 2756205)
[PASS] testCastCost() (gas: 1129503)
[PASS] testChainlogValues() (gas: 9989563)
[PASS] testChainlogVersionBump() (gas: 3765888)
[PASS] testContractSize() (gas: 8984)
[PASS] testDeployCost() (gas: 2740753)
[PASS] testFailNotScheduled() (gas: 14420)
[PASS] testFailTooEarly() (gas: 13607)
[PASS] testFailTooLate() (gas: 13562)
[PASS] testFailWrongDay() (gas: 13563)
[PASS] testGeneral() (gas: 36938533)
[PASS] testMKRPayments() (gas: 1246936)
[PASS] testNewChainlogValues() (gas: 1132730)
[PASS] testNextCastTime() (gas: 353637)
[PASS] testOnTime() (gas: 1125209)
[PASS] testPSMs() (gas: 2499818)
[PASS] testRemoveChainlogValues() (gas: 1131206)
[PASS] testScuttleMcdCat() (gas: 1143786)
[PASS] testSparkSpellIsExecuted() (gas: 1128745)
[PASS] testUseEta() (gas: 352324)
Test result: ok. 22 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 520.30s

Ran 2 test suites: 24 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (24 total tests)

Good to deploy :shipit:

SidestreamSweatyPumpkin commented 9 months ago deployed

SidestreamColdMelon commented 9 months ago

Deployed Stage

Insert your passing local tests here

./scripts/ no-match="" match="" block=""
Using DssExecLib at: 0x8De6DDbCd5053d32292AAA0D2105A32d108484a6
[⠑] Compiling...
[⠑] Compiling 4 files with 0.8.16
[⠃] Solc 0.8.16 finished in 1.99s
Compiler run successful!

Running 2 tests for src/test/starknet.t.sol:StarknetTests
[PASS] testStarknet() (gas: 1284972)
[PASS] testStarknetSpell() (gas: 2346)
Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 91.05s

Running 22 tests for src/DssSpell.t.sol:DssSpellTest
[PASS] testAuth() (gas: 9223371487105890401)
[PASS] testAuthInSources() (gas: 9223371487099493823)
[PASS] testBytecodeMatches() (gas: 2756205)
[PASS] testCastCost() (gas: 1130365)
[PASS] testChainlogValues() (gas: 9990425)
[PASS] testChainlogVersionBump() (gas: 3766750)
[PASS] testContractSize() (gas: 8984)
[PASS] testDeployCost() (gas: 2740753)
[PASS] testFailNotScheduled() (gas: 14420)
[PASS] testFailTooEarly() (gas: 13607)
[PASS] testFailTooLate() (gas: 13562)
[PASS] testFailWrongDay() (gas: 13563)
[PASS] testGeneral() (gas: 36941492)
[PASS] testMKRPayments() (gas: 1247798)
[PASS] testNewChainlogValues() (gas: 1133592)
[PASS] testNextCastTime() (gas: 353637)
[PASS] testOnTime() (gas: 1126071)
[PASS] testPSMs() (gas: 2500680)
[PASS] testRemoveChainlogValues() (gas: 1132068)
[PASS] testScuttleMcdCat() (gas: 1144648)
[PASS] testSparkSpellIsExecuted() (gas: 1129607)
[PASS] testUseEta() (gas: 352324)
Test result: ok. 22 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1004.48s

Ran 2 test suites: 24 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (24 total tests)

Good to handover 👍

amusingaxl commented 9 months ago

Deployed Stage

Using DssExecLib at: 0x8De6DDbCd5053d32292AAA0D2105A32d108484a6
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠔] Compiling 104 files with 0.8.16
[⠒] Solc 0.8.16 finished in 4.44s
Compiler run successful!

Running 2 tests for src/test/starknet.t.sol:StarknetTests
[PASS] testStarknet() (gas: 1284167)
[PASS] testStarknetSpell() (gas: 2346)
Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 18.59s

Running 22 tests for src/DssSpell.t.sol:DssSpellTest
[PASS] testAuth() (gas: 9223371487105890401)
[PASS] testAuthInSources() (gas: 9223371487099493823)
[PASS] testBytecodeMatches() (gas: 2756205)
[PASS] testCastCost() (gas: 1129560)
[PASS] testChainlogValues() (gas: 9989620)
[PASS] testChainlogVersionBump() (gas: 3765945)
[PASS] testContractSize() (gas: 8984)
[PASS] testDeployCost() (gas: 2740753)
[PASS] testFailNotScheduled() (gas: 14420)
[PASS] testFailTooEarly() (gas: 13607)
[PASS] testFailTooLate() (gas: 13562)
[PASS] testFailWrongDay() (gas: 13563)
[PASS] testGeneral() (gas: 36940687)
[PASS] testMKRPayments() (gas: 1246993)
[PASS] testNewChainlogValues() (gas: 1132787)
[PASS] testNextCastTime() (gas: 353637)
[PASS] testOnTime() (gas: 1125266)
[PASS] testPSMs() (gas: 2499875)
[PASS] testRemoveChainlogValues() (gas: 1131263)
[PASS] testScuttleMcdCat() (gas: 1143843)
[PASS] testSparkSpellIsExecuted() (gas: 1128802)
[PASS] testUseEta() (gas: 352324)
Test result: ok. 22 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 512.40s

Ran 2 test suites: 24 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (24 total tests)

Good to handover :shipit: