I tried to learn about makerdao and play on testchain. I successfully could follow up everything except the dai.js side.
Whenever I tried to run vault.js (node vault.js), I received "error TypeError: Maker.create is not a function". I tried this on node version 10,12,14, and 16. None of them helped.
I tried to learn about makerdao and play on testchain. I successfully could follow up everything except the dai.js side.
Whenever I tried to run vault.js (node vault.js), I received "error TypeError: Maker.create is not a function". I tried this on node version 10,12,14, and 16. None of them helped.
I also tried sample codes from https://docs.makerdao.com/build/dai.js/getting-started yet still faced the same error.
Something must be outdated and I'm probably missing them. Your help is appreciated.
By the way, how can I join the community? I joined the Discord channel yet there is no #help channel and no place to ask something new.
Thank you