makerdiary / nrf52840-mdk-usb-dongle

An open-source, small and low-cost USB Dongle that supports Bluetooth 5.4, Bluetooth mesh, Thread, Zigbee, 802.15.4, ANT and 2.4 GHz proprietary protocols
Apache License 2.0
300 stars 79 forks source link

I'm sick of this #58

Closed gfmoore closed 3 years ago

gfmoore commented 3 years ago

I've bought a nrf52840-mdk-usb-dongle from China. I've downloaded nrf connect onto a windows machine and a linux machine. I've tried inserting into usb and inserting into usb with reset pin held down.

On Linux nrfconnect|Programming I get message : Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device.

On Windows I get message : Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device.

I've spent days trying to follow instructions for installing wpantund at and gave up because it is too flippin complicated. I only want to make a flashing light not land a rover on Mars....

I've then looked at other solutions such as using nrfUtil. I can't get anywhere because the instructions suddenly assume knowledge that I haven't got or don't know how to resolve and no amount of searching on google reveals an answer that helps.

For instance I thought maybe if I load the open bootloader I might get somewhere nrfutil dfu usb-serial -pkg -p

How the hell do I find the ?????

I tried /dev/ttyACM0 which seemed reasonable, no joy just more incomprehensible errors.

So please tell me I've bought a knock off piece of junk (though it does what flash red a few times etc) or I'm doing something so ridiculously foolish that I deserve to be flamed.

So please tell me what to do to get let's say nRF Connect running on Windows for this device. Now that can't be hard can it?

Gordon, a really hacked off and fed up Gordon ...

gfmoore commented 3 years ago

I'm now trying nrfutil on windows - man that was also a battle to install.

So trying to flash the openbootloader nrfutil dfu usb-serial -pkg -p com4 as per YOUR DOC

Guess what another error:

Usage: nrfutil dfu [OPTIONS] COMMAND Try 'nrfutil dfu --help' for help.

Error: No such command 'usb-serial'.

I mean apart from the com4 bit I am just copying the text.....

gfmoore commented 3 years ago

So changed usb-serial to serial

Now getting a whole heap of messages :

PS C:\Users\Gordon\Downloads\nrf52840-mdk-usb-dongle-master\firmware\open_bootloader> nrfutil dfu serial -pkg uf2_bootloader-0.2.13-44-gb2 -p com4

Upgrading target on com4 with DFU package C:\Users\Gordon\Downloads\nrf52840-mdk-usb-dongle-master\firmware\open_bootloader\uf2_bootloader Flow control is disabled, Dual bank, Touch disabled

Failed to upgrade target. Error is: Serial port could not be opened on com4. Reason: could not open port 'com4': FileNotFoundError(2, 'The tem cannot find the file specified.', None, 2) Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\nordicsemi\dfu\", line 113, in open self.serial_port = Serial(port=self.com_port, baudrate=self.baud_rate, rtscts=self.flow_control, timeout=self.timeout) File "c:\python39\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 33, in init super(Serial, self).init(*args, **kwargs) File "c:\python39\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 244, in init File "c:\python39\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 64, in open raise SerialException("could not open port {!r}: {!r}".format(self.portstr, ctypes.WinError())) serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port 'com4': FileNotFoundError(2, 'The system cannot find the file specified.', None, 2)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\", line 294, in serial dfu.dfu_send_images() File "C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\nordicsemi\dfu\", line 232, in dfu_send_images self._dfu_send_image(HexType.BOOTLOADER, self.manifest.bootloader) File "C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\nordicsemi\dfu\", line 157, in _dfu_send_image File "C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\nordicsemi\dfu\", line 115, in open raise NordicSemiException("Serial port could not be opened on {0}. Reason: {1}".format(self.com_port, e)) nordicsemi.exceptions.NordicSemiException: Serial port could not be opened on com4. Reason: could not open port 'com4': FileNotFoundError( The system cannot find the file specified.', None, 2)

Possible causes:

I'll try and change the com4 parameters in device manager

man oh man.

gfmoore commented 3 years ago

Changed baud rate

PS C:\Users\Gordon\Downloads\nrf52840-mdk-usb-dongle-master\firmware\open_bootloader> nrfutil dfu serial -pkg uf2_bootloader-0.2.13-44-gb2b4 -p com5

Upgrading target on com5 with DFU package C:\Users\Gordon\Downloads\nrf52840-mdk-usb-dongle-master\firmware\open_bootloader\uf2_bootloader-0 Flow control is disabled, Dual bank, Touch disabled

Failed to upgrade target. Error is: WriteFile failed (PermissionError(13, 'The device does not recognize the command.', None, 22)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\", line 294, in serial dfu.dfu_send_images() File "C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\nordicsemi\dfu\", line 232, in dfu_send_images self._dfu_send_image(HexType.BOOTLOADER, self.manifest.bootloader) File "C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\nordicsemi\dfu\", line 206, in _dfu_send_image self.dfu_transport.send_firmware(firmware) File "C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\nordicsemi\dfu\", line 213, in send_firmware self.send_packet(pkt) File "C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\nordicsemi\dfu\", line 241, in send_packet self.serial_port.write(bytearray( File "c:\python39\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 317, in write raise SerialException("WriteFile failed ({!r})".format(ctypes.WinError())) serial.serialutil.SerialException: WriteFile failed (PermissionError(13, 'The device does not recognize the command.', None, 22))

Possible causes:

I noted: Target is not in DFU mode. Ground DFU pin and RESET and release both to enter DFU mode. How can I do that on a usb dongle, I thought that was the point.

gfmoore commented 3 years ago

So just to make clear: I take the device, hold down the reset button, insert it into a usb port. The top left led (at the usb port is green, the other led flashes red a couple of times and then goes green. I am in DFU mode right?

gfmoore commented 3 years ago

I can now convert hex files to uf2 files. So tried blinky, but can't see any led blinking every 500ms - I assume that is what it should do.

nrfConnect |programmer still doesn't recognise the device. Lost count of the things I've tried, but nrfutil on windows didn't work under Python. I eventually found a Nordic windows executable that does what it should, but not with my device. I've now ordered some proper nrf dongles and this is going in the bin. A waste of my money, a waste of my life and simple a waste.


JRyuzaki commented 2 years ago

Are there any updates on this issue? I am currently having the same problem.

gfmoore commented 2 years ago

Sorry, no. I'd forgotten all about it. I later tried the nrf52840 dongle and dk board and though I got some things working, it turned out to be just as much a nightmare as this thing. If you look on the Nordic site you will find some of my posts and unhappiness :sigh. I do have a word document that explains how I got VS Code set up on Windows for the nrf 52840 if you want a copy, though it's not fully edited. My biggest block was when I found that without seggers and stuff I didn't understand I found I couldn't get buttonless? OTA to work on the dongle. I am about to dip my feet into BT again, but dreading it. Gordon