makerdiary / python-keyboard

A hand-wired USB & Bluetooth keyboard powered by Python and more
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How long does it take to flash new firmware? #32

Closed ccheng32 closed 3 years ago

ccheng32 commented 3 years ago

Tried following the steps of reflashing the firmware by entering boot loader mode.

I was able to drag and drop the uf2 file into the M60Keyboard usb drive, and the M60Keyboard drive eventually disconnects.

However the CIRCUITPY USB drive never showed up. The LED light on the M.2 module would flash a faint green light periodically at this stage.

Is something wrong? Are there other ways to reflash the firmware?

ccheng32 commented 3 years ago

Nevermind the type c cable I was using was faulty.

Resolved after using another cable.