makerplane / pyEfis

Electronic Flight Information System in Python
GNU General Public License v2.0
55 stars 31 forks source link

Fix waydroid/weston crash #236

Closed e100 closed 3 weeks ago

e100 commented 3 weeks ago

Changes to ensure the weston window is started with same resolutions it will be displayed within pyefis. Also set waydroid height and width properties to match before starting waydroid. Without this waydroid would get disconnected from weston when interacting with the interface. This seems to be a problem when the screen with wydroid is not the default screen and the waydroid screen is only displayed after waydroid has fully booted

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Coverage report

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(new stmts)
Lines missing
  src/pyefis/screens 423-424
Project Total  

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