makersacademy / problem-solving

For problem-solving during the PreCourse
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'1 failing test' in pull request reporting progressto Chief #112

Closed oliverpople closed 7 years ago

oliverpople commented 7 years ago

Hi Guys, to finish step 6 in the challenge I sent a pull request to makersacademy/clmystery. Here is the link to that pull request:

It's says that 'All checks have failed: 1 failing check'. Further details to the failed check can be found at:

Anyone idea where i've gone wrong here? Thanks

haletothewood commented 7 years ago

It might be because your possible_witnesses.txt file is empty?

haletothewood commented 7 years ago

You also don't seem to have a suspects.txt file which is the step before submitting a pull request in step6.

haletothewood commented 7 years ago

Also, just realised I think the final check only works once you've completed step9. The pull request will fail until then. I think.