makerspace / makeradmin

Stockholm Makerspace member administration and store.
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Modifications to the automatic email sent to new members. #469

Open nperozzi opened 5 months ago

nperozzi commented 5 months ago

Hi, I am submitting a new version of the automatic email sent to new members when their membership is approved. The email is a complement to the Member Introduction Guide. It expands on some topics, repeats others, and complements with links to further info.

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 5 months ago


The updates encompass two main areas: a refinement in the VS Code settings to enhance import organization by switching from a boolean to a more descriptive string value, and comprehensive enhancements to the new_member.body.html template. These enhancements include the incorporation of meta and style elements, content restructuring and expansion in both Swedish and English, and detailed updates aimed at clarifying member information, rules, and responsibilities, alongside formatting improvements.


File Summary of Changes
.vscode/settings.json Changed source.organizeImports from true to "explicit" to refine import organization.
api/src/.../new_member.body.html Added meta charset and style block; restructured and rephrased content; introduced new sections; updated member information presentation; clarified rules, responsibilities, and resources; made formatting improvements.

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HalfVoxel commented 5 months ago

Would you mind sending a test email to us (ideally also the previous email as a comparison)? It's a bit hard to get a feeling for the impression by just reading the HTML code.

emanuelen5 commented 5 months ago

Here is the email from before the changes. We didn't send a new one afterwards. Can do that after the next review round.

Let's see if Github can format the email as well... :)


Hejsan! VĂ€lkommen till Stockholm Makerspace! 😃 Vi hoppas du uppskattade introkursen och Ă€r redo att pĂ„börja din kreativa resa med oss.

Som ny medlem har du förmodligen en del frÄgor. I detta mail kommer du fÄ en sammanfattning av vad du fick höra pÄ introkursen och lÀnkar till nÄgra onlineresurser som hjÀlper dig att komma igÄng. Dina medlemsuppgifter:

Namn: first1 last1 Epost: @.*** Medlemsnummer: 1001

Vi kommer anvÀnda denna epostadress för att nÄ ut till dig. Om detta inte stÀmmer, vÀnligen kontakta @.***

HÀr kommer en sammanfattning av huvudpunkterna frÄn introkursen: Om Stockholm Makerspace:

Stockholm Makerspace Ă€r en ideell förening som drivs “av medlemmar för medlemmar”. Detta innebĂ€r att du, som föreningsmedlem, uppmuntras att delta i föreningens drift och utveckling. Kom igĂ„ng:

Först och frÀmst, se till att du har allt du behöver för att komma igÄng:


“Visa hĂ€nsyn. Ta ansvar.”

Visa hÀnsyn mot andra medlemmar:

Ta ansvar för...

För mer information om reglerna nÀr du besöker makerspacet, lÀs wikisidan med vÄra Lokalregler StÀdning, underhÄll, ordning och reda:

NÄgra anvÀndbara lÀnkar:


Söker du nÄgon i styrelsen? Du hittar alla namn pÄ Styrelse wikisida, eller sÄ kan du skicka ett mail till @.***

Vi glÀdjer oss att ha dig som medlem i Stockholm Makerspace! Om du har nÄgra frÄgor som wikin inte kan svara pÄ, tveka inte att skriva pÄ Slack. Det finns alltid andra medlemmar som vill hjÀlpa dig.

BÀsta skaparhÀlsningar! Stockholm Makerspace


Hi there! Welcome to Stockholm Makerspace! 😃 We hope you enjoyed the Intro Course and are excited to embark on your creative journey with us.

As a new member, you probably have a lot of questions. In this email we provide you with a summary of what you heard on the introduction course and a few resources to get you started. Your member information:

Name: first1 last1 Email: @.*** Membership number: 1001

We will use this email address to reach out to you. If this is not correct, please email @.***

Here's a summary of the key points covered during the course: About Stockholm Makerspace:

Stockholm Makerspace is a non-profit organization “for members, by members”. This means that you too, as a member, are encouraged to participate and collaborate with the development of the organization. Getting Started:

First of all, make sure you have all you need to get started:

Expected conduct at the space

“Be considerate. Take responsibility.”

Be considerate towards other members:

Be responsible for...

For more information on the space rules read the Local Rules wiki page Order, cleaning, and maintenance:

Some references:


Are you looking for somebody on the board? You will find their names at Styrelse wiki, or you can write an email to @.***

We're thrilled to have you as a member of Stockholm Makerspace. If you have questions that cannot be answered with the information on the wiki, please post on Slack! There will always be other members happy to help you out.

Happy Making! Stockholm Makerspace

nperozzi commented 5 months ago

Hi guys! 🖐 I believe I fixed all the comments. What is the next step of this process?

Other related topics: 1) The trigger for this email should be when the Intro Course host presses "Save" or "Save and send Accessy" buttons after people sign the makerspace agreement. Currently, the automation (not sure how we call the py script that does this), sends this email when the first payment is confirmed, which happens before the Intro Course. 2) We still need an email to be sent when people make their first payment. As per discussions during the last project evening, this email should be short and include just these points (or something like it):

HalfVoxel commented 2 months ago

If it would be possible for you to send a test email to all reviewers, that would be great. It would be great if this could be sent to our actual email addresses, to get a feel for how it flows in an actual email client.