makesign / concerto2

New Rails 7 version of concerto - WIP WORK IN PROGRESS!
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Attachments mit ActiveStorage umsetzen #19

Open bkleinen opened 1 month ago

bkleinen commented 1 month ago


bkleinen commented 1 month ago


adapt all places where Media is handled, e.g. in the views <%= media.file_field :attached_file %> look for:

# todo: adapt for active_storage

gem attachable is > 12 years old


libvips v8.6+ or ImageMagick for image analysis and transformations ffmpeg v3.4+ for video previews and ffprobe for video/audio analysis poppler or muPDF for PDF previews

switch to active_storage

bin/bundle add image_processing

bin/rails active_storage:install bin/rails db:migrate

see for the tables:

active_storage_blobs Stores data about uploaded files, such as filename and content type. active_storage_attachments A polymorphic join table that connects your models to blobs. If your model's class name changes, you will need to run a migration on this table to update the underlying record_type to your model's new class name. active_storage_variant_records If variant tracking is enabled, stores records for each variant that has been generated.

LoadError (Could not open library 'vips.42': brew install vips