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2D Rendering Engine #12

Open jmacs opened 11 years ago

jmacs commented 11 years ago

Graphics System

Need a graphics system capable of handling 2D polygons, texture-mapping, and transformations (scaling, rotations, translations).

Will need a system to translate local object space, world space, and camera space.

We are following the MVC pattern for game views.

A particle and lighting system would be a bonus.

A 2D tile based world map makes sense but is not required.

jmacs commented 11 years ago

I'm going to start looking into OpenTK. It's probably the best .NET wrapper for OpenGL. It provides almost 1 to 1 API with the regular OpenGL library so should make learning a bit easier given all of the existing learning resources on the web. I believe MonoGame uses OpenTk under the covers. I looked into MonoGame but it's a bit more high level than what I was looking for. If the OpenTK learning curve is too high I may come back and revisit it (or XNA for that matter).

I'm going to be focusing on learning how to render in 2D with sprites. If anyone else is interested in other aspects of the rendering engine feel free to start working on it (or if you want to help just let me know).

chrislegault commented 11 years ago

The only other recommended C# library is However, Mono and Visual Studio require different DLLs. OpenTK library supports both Visual Studio and Mono in one package. OpenTK also has mouse, keyboard, and joystick input.

jmacs commented 11 years ago

I looked at Tao but openTk seemed more .NET friendly. See question 3 in the openTk FAQ to see what I mean

OpenTk also provides wrappers for OpenAL as well.