makezurich / open-challenge-ideas-2018

Collections of ideas for the Open Challenge at Make Zurich Vol. II
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Detect the # types of resources before being discarded, in order to capture Value #5

Open HumanDAO opened 6 years ago

HumanDAO commented 6 years ago


Material resources being treated as Waste all over the Planet. In need to update the Human Conscience ASAP.


It's just a question of sustaining life for humankind in this planet, thus we are presented with the critical necessity to reduce planetary resource waste, as population grows to 9Billion.

Starting Point: In Our Conscience.

Did you know Switzerland has waste amounts of ~715 KG /per capita per year?

Why do I care? You might ask.

You should because a portion of it gets sold to Germany for example, which in turn gets sold to Asia (China refused a few months ago all waste coming from the West, allowing Tiger Asian countries to step in) which does not recycle it entirely: they DUMP it in Landfils, Rivers, Oceans. There is an estimated 250M tonnes of plastic in the oceans.

You will probably say: "Yeah sure, but at least here in CH, it gets recycled and burnt thus energy is extracted". True but only in part, meaning ~12% because ONLY PET gets recycled (no the bottle caps). And you need to analyze the actual energy efficiency derived per unit of volume of waste incinerated. Do not trust the figures given to you by the so-called Mafia of "Waste Management/Recycling Companies" and the government. For which you pay taxes and also cumulatively over-time when included the long-term environmental and health costs which will be paid by you and your kids (e.g. cancer, birth deficiency, infertility, etc)

Welcome to a1/2 TRILLION dollar industry (~450 BILLION)!

To attempt to resolve this BIG environmental WAR humanity faces, it is in huge part educational creating awareness but it also becomes a matter of increasing the conscience level which quite a task in current "Multi-Industrial Conscience" layer where mostly a Predatory mindset reigns. The Capitalist Model enforces this mindset.


There needs to be a change/improvement in habits and behaviors so that the human end-consumer can have the control to decide which items he/she will purchase based on the difficulty of the material composition of the packaging for re-usability/recyclable, as well as its the contents, whether beneficial for the Health/Environment.

Yet, over time, it is also in BIG part an exercise of elevating the Human Conscience to an upper layer.

Linear Economic Model

Re-use, re-use, re-use materials undefinetely until possible. Offcourse there is a life-time expectancy to take into account, only then at the end of the "re-usability lifecylce" we then "recycle".

We can not rely on the government and we know it. Government does NOT ==! Environment. The Environment is all of this Planetary Intelligent Eco-System up until the Stratosphere including us and our lovely evolving Conscience. Hopefully!

Part of the Predicament too, is the CONSUMPTION model of capitalism (You and me and the beloved Corporations we work/(ed) for) corrupting the very foundational fabric of our bio-engineered ecosystem which took 4,5 Billion years to build design and engineer, autonomously, with superior intelligence (autonomous governance, self-sufficient, self-healing).

So let's start by Asking ourselves, do I really need this item (material) before purchasing it?! And what is/would be its impact on the environment around me and others once it is purchased, used and discarded? Read the package labelling, read upon its chemical composition and most importantly DOWNVOTE on Company's CSR if the chemical composition does not allow for "re-usability" and "recyclability".

So Let's try to leverage technology to BUILD AN INFRASTRUCTURE as entry points to a Circular Economy and Ditch the Old Paradigm we are still much living under (not allowing our Collective Human Conscience to Evolve to the Upper Layer) by treating Waste as, well...WASTE! It's Not Waste, it's materials that can be transformed and re-utilized again for same/different purpose, given a second life.

SOLUTION (at least Attempting)

  1. Alternative List of Products/Services to Linear economic model, building the new Circular economy to create awareness/education amongst people.

alternative products_services

  1. Detect the type of Material via a Phone App using the Augmented Reality method (Integrated at some point to Step 1.), show the Source Manufacturer, whether this item can be re-used/recycled, how many times, who/where is already recycling it, and if NONE, then DOWNVOTE on the Source Company CSR. As Millions of people DOWNVOTE, the Source Company (e.g. Coca-Cola) is FORCED to innovate on their Chemical Composition or even create a totally new packaging system AND/OR other Startups enter the competition with the incumbents opening the Market for new solutions.

method for buyaware

packaging bank

  1. Build a scanning device (pulling data from Chemical Composition Data Bank of all types of materials availlable) that detects the type of item (glass, plastic, else) in order to present an option for people to see what second life can be attributed to this resource "before being discarded" (integrated at some point with Step 1.)

screenshot from 2018-06-29 22-49-33 screenshot from 2018-06-29 22-49-03

  1. Derive an incentive-based system, for local community to start "openly and collectively" build a new device where people will be "compressing, molding, storing in blocks" these "VALUED resources" and sell it directly to the Customers of the Waste Management/Recycling Companies. This way, not only we get our tax-paying money back, but this time we are TAKING FULL CONTROL of our present and short-term health, social and environmental cost.

flow of eee recycle


Attribute Value to Planetary Resources in a Circular Economy by Elevating Human Conscience.

The future Environmental Social Profile:


0x1d commented 6 years ago

hi rob! we talked about your ideas at make-zürich. really interesting stuff :) even though the hackathon is over, we should still follow up on this topic. i just joined the one-planet slack. but from tomorrow on i probably won't have access to the internet for about a week or so. cheers!