makinacorpus / Leaflet.FileLayer

Loads files locally (GeoJSON, KML, GPX) as layers using HTML5 File API
MIT License
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Update deprecated togeojson dependency #74

Open NatanKanitz opened 4 years ago

NatanKanitz commented 4 years ago

npm WARN deprecated togeojson@0.14.2: This module has moved: please install @mapbox/togeojson instead

pkeller3 commented 4 years ago

Tom, the original author, wrote "This is a maintained and modernized fork of the toGeoJSON project, which I (Tom) wrote while at Mapbox, and am now maintaining on a personal basis because the Mapbox-owned project is abandoned." I think the dependency should be changed to his version of the library.

leplatrem commented 4 years ago

Cool! thanks! You should update the package.json file too I guess ;)