makinacorpus / django-geojson

django-geojson is a collection of helpers to (de)serialize (Geo)Django objects into GeoJSON.
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leaflet does not render in admin and form views #40

Open frague59 opened 10 years ago

frague59 commented 10 years ago


Thanks for your great job !

I'm facing a strange problem. I've folowed the doc from the github site, installed both django-leaflet, django-geojson and jsonfield, but form are rendered as "JSONTextField" but not as leaflet field.

I use a django 1.7.

frague59 commented 10 years ago

OK, Leaflet is not rendered in ModelForm 'out of the box', I've set widgets into Meta class in my form to {"geom": LeafletWidget}, it works.

Is it possible to use this widget to save data into the model ? I've manually set a POINT to the geom field :

Thanks !

leplatrem commented 10 years ago

Ok, for the Meta class, we might have to update the documentation ?

Yes of course, edition works ! I wonder why you faced those problems... did you try in adminsite ?

frague59 commented 10 years ago

I've the same issue in adminsite... And now in detail view, a SerializationError :

SerializationError: The field ["geom", "{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ 3.172007203102112, 50.709293432461806 ] }"] could not be parsed as a valid geometry

My code :

            <script type="text/javascript">
                function map_init_basic(map, options) {
                    var data = eval('{{ object|geojsonfeature|safe }}');
            {% leaflet_map object.get_map_name callback="window.map_init_basic" %}

The 'get_map_name' method is a models' one that returns the name of the map, as a named url, in my case using a namespaced one (calendrier:admin:lieu_map).

frague59 commented 9 years ago

J'ai contourné le problème dans la vue de detail en utilisant l'appel à geoJson via ajax :

            {% leaflet_map "lieu_map" callback="window.map_init_basic" %}
            <script type="text/javascript">
                function map_init_basic(map, options) {
                    $.getJSON("{% url "calendrier:admin:lieu_map" %}", 
                        function(data) {

Dans la vue de création, via le LeafletWidget, je retrouve l'erreur de déserialisation des données :

ERROR::django.contrib.gis::Error creating geometry from value '{
}' (String or unicode input unrecognized as WKT EWKT, and HEXEWKB.)

Je vais essayer de comprendre ce qui se passe, et peut-être proposer un patch.

Merci de votre aide !

frague59 commented 9 years ago

OK, c'était dû à la non installation de GDAL.

Merci !

leplatrem commented 9 years ago

Est-ce que finalement tout est rentré dans l'ordre ?

Suite aux contributions de @fle, normalement il est possible de mettre tout en marche sans GEOS ni GDAL. Cela vaudrait le coup de comprendre et décortiquer les problèmes que tu as recontrés...