makinacorpus / django-leaflet

Use Leaflet in your Django projects
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Using leaflet / geojson with wagtail #182

Open frague59 opened 7 years ago

frague59 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'd like to use Leaflet in a Wagtail app.

I've created a geom ( djgeojson ) PointField into a snippet (a simple model with ad hoc registration ) and I've declared the field "panel" as editor :

panels = [
    handlers.FieldPanel('geom', classname='full', widget=LeafletWidget()), 

The map does not displays : the template tags {% leaflet_css %} and {% leaflet_js %}a are not loaded.

I've tried to load them through some hooks, but it does not work...

Have you any ideas or proposals ? Thank !

Gagaro commented 7 years ago

You need to set include_media to True on your widget. You can do that by creating your own widget:

class LeafletWidgetWithMedia(LeafletWidget):
    include_media = True

This should do the trick.

frague59 commented 7 years ago

I've the reason of the bug :

from wagtail.wagtailcore import hooks

def leaflet_editor_css():
    return format_html(render_to_string('publications/leaflet/leaflet_css.html', {"debug": settings.DEBUG}))

def leaflet_editor_js():
    return format_html(render_to_string('publications/leaflet/leaflet_js.html', {"debug": settings.DEBUG}))

In the string output by the {% leaflet_css %}, I've have a row:

<style>.leaflet-container-default {min-height: 300px;}</style>

which contains a {min-height: 300px;}, and the format_html() django function tries (and fails) to format it... I've used a mark_safe() instead of format_html(), an it works 🏆

frague59 commented 7 years ago

... but without point selector ...

Jean-Zombie commented 4 years ago

I had the same problem. I'd suggest Wagtail hooks to add some extra css to the editor panel – in addition to include_media = True 😄 .


from django.templatetags.static import static
from django.utils.html import format_html

from wagtail.core import hooks

def editor_css():
    return format_html(
        '<link rel="stylesheet" href="{}">',

And then simply add to the css file

.leaflet-container {
    min-height: 350px;