making / yavi

Yet Another Validation for Java (A lambda based type safe validation framework)
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[proposal] Introduce `ArgumentNValidator` combinators #132

Closed gakuzzzz closed 3 years ago

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

The current Validator<T> requires an instance of type T to use the validate method. This must allow for the existence of T instance in an invalid state.

This Email example is a good example. It provides a factory method to prevent creation with invalid strings, but the constructor is exposed to allow users to instantiate it with invalid values.

However, modern general practice recommends that classes should not be instantiated with invalid values.

If the constructor of Email is designed to throw a runtime exception when an invalid value is passed, it is not possible to define a Validator<Email>.

So, how about making it possible to separate the type of the value received by the Validator from the type of the result?

For example, the following.

public interface EssentialValidator<A, R> {

  Validated<R> validate(A argument);

  default <R2> EssentialValidator<A, R2> map(Function<? super R, ? extends R2> f) {
      return a -> EssentialValidator.this.validate(a).map(f);

  default <A2> EssentialValidator<A2, R> contramap(Function<? super A2, ? extends A> f) {
      return a2 -> EssentialValidator.this.validate(f.apply(a2));

public final class ApplicativeValidator<T> implements EssentialValidator<T, T> {

With such an interface, it is possible to define EssentialValidator<String, Email> as follows, even if Email is designed to throw an exception in its constructor.

EssentialValidator<String, Email> validator = ValidatorBuilder.<String>of()
        .constraint(s -> s, "email", c -> c.notBlank().lessThanOrEqual(128).email())

This approach is to define validators of a small type, and then combine them to create a large-structure validator. However, YAVI is originally designed to create a large-structure validator by extracting parts of a large-structure object and writing constraint after constraint. Therefore, I am not sure if this proposal is really necessary as a use case of YAVI or not.

making commented 3 years ago

@gakuzzzz Thanks for your proposal. It sounds very nice.

Validating arguments "before" creating an object is one of the things YAVI wants to achieve. Actually, YAVI has been providing a similar (more generic?) solution called "Argument Validator" since 0.3.0.

Arguments1Validator<String, Email> validator  = ArgumentsValidatorBuilder
    .builder(b -> b
        ._string(Arguments1::arg1, "email",
            c -> c.notBlank().lessThanOrEqual(128).email()))
Validated<Email> emailValidated = validator.validateArgs("");
// or
Email email = validator.validated(""); 

but your proposal looks simpler and more convenient for a single argument factory method.

I'm wondering if we could leverage the existing ArgumentNValidator to the proposal and if you should support arguments with numbers greater than 1.

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

Wow, I hadn't figured ArgumentNValidator out. It's sounds nice!

Maybe what we need are combinators for ArgumentNValidator.

It would be nice to provide combinators that allow Validator to return Argument1Validator and ArgumentNValidator to be composited similarly to Validated#combine, as follows.

public class Validator<T> implements ValidatorSubset<T> {


    public <T2> Arguments1Validator<T, T2> andThen(Function<? super T, ? extends T2> f) {

    public <T2> Arguments1Validator<T2, T> compose(Function<? super T2, ? extends T> f) {
public final class ArgumentValidators {

    public static <A1, A2, X, Y, Z> Argument2Validator<A1, A2, Z> combine(
            Argument1Validator<? super A1, ? extends X> av1, 
            Argument1Validator<? super A2, ? extends Y> av2, 
            BiFunction<? super X, ? super Y, ? extends Z> f
    ) {

Then, we can build the ContactInfo validator as follows.

Arguments1Validator<String, Email> emailValidator = ValidatorBuilder.<String>of()
        .constraint(s -> s, "email", c -> c.notBlank().lessThanOrEqual(128).email())

Arguments1Validator<String, PhoneNumber> phonNumValidator = ValidatorBuilder.<String>of()
        .constraint(s -> s, "phoneNumber", c.notBlank().lessThanOrEqual(16).pattern("[0-9\\-]+"))

Arguments2Validator<String, String, ContactInfo> contactInfoValidator =
        ArgumentValidators.combine(emailValidator, phonNumValidator, ContactInfo::new);

Validated<ContactInfo> result = 
        contactInfoValidator.validateArgs("", "0120-3456-7890);

Probably it is a bit tricky to build Arguments2Validator<String, String, ContactInfo> using ArgumentsValidatorBuilder and nested with the current mechanism. However, this approach makes it easier to build it.

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

ValidatorBuilder.<String>of().constraint(s -> s is a bit boilerplate.

It might be useful to have a short hand like the following?

Arguments1Validator<String, Email> emailValidator = StringValidator
        .of("email", c -> c.notBlank().lessThanOrEqual(128).email())
making commented 3 years ago

Great ideas. Overall agree.

public class Validator<T> implements ValidatorSubset<T> {


    public <T2> Arguments1Validator<T, T2> andThen(Function<? super T, ? extends T2> f) {

    public <T2> Arguments1Validator<T2, T> compose(Function<? super T2, ? extends T> f) {

This part needs to be carefully designed. I'd like to avoid a cyclic dependency on am.ik.yavi.core and am.ik.yavi.arguments.

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

That's for sure. I'd like to avoid the cyclic dependency.

It might be enough for ArgumentsNValidator to have a map / contramap and the StringValidator.of short hand returns Arguments1Validator.

making commented 3 years ago

@gakuzzzz I'm working on this enhancement.

Do you think it make sense forArgumentsNValidator (N >= 2) to implement contramap?

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

I don't think that contramap on ArgumentsNValidator (N >= 2) is necessary at first release.

It's probably limited in YAVI use cases, and there's no support for tuples, etc.

If we find an important use case later, we can implement it then.

making commented 3 years ago

@gakuzzzz ArgumentsN will work like a Tuple. Do you think it makes sense to create contramap that returns Arguments1Validator to ArgumentsNValidator like this?

default <A> Arguments1Validator<A, X> contramap(Function<? super A, ? extends ArgumentsN<A1, A2, ..., An>> mapper) {
    return (a, locale, constraintGroup) -> {
        final ArgumentsN<A1, A2, ..., An> args = mapper.apply(a);
        return ArgumentsNValidator.this.validate(args.arg1(), args.arg2(), ..., args.argN(), locale, constraintGroup);

This seems to cover the use case I've wanted to solve for a long time: "validate ServletRequest parameters before creating an object".

Arguments2Validator<String, String, Name> nameValidator = ...;
Arguments1Validator<HttpServletRequest, Name> requestValidator = nameValidator
    .contramap(req -> Arguments.of(req.getParameter("firstName"), req.getParameter("lastName")));

Validated<Name> nameValidated = requestValidator.validate(servletRequest);
making commented 3 years ago

My question is, can mapping ArgumentsNValidator<A1, A2, ..., An, X> to Arguments1Validator<A, X> be called contramap ?

making commented 3 years ago

Work in progress. Looks pretty cool.


gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

I see, it's good that ArgumentN can be treated like tuples.

I was hesitant because I felt like I needed to prepare all combinations( ex. BiFunction<Argument5<...>, Argument3<...>, Argument2<...>> ), but I thought it would be very useful if I could use contramap to fix the input to one and the output to ArgumentN.

As you said, it would be possible to split and perform validation from a single ServletRequest or Json.

My question is, can mapping ArgumentsNValidator<A1, A2, ... , An, X> to Arguments1Validator<A, X> be called contramap ?

Surely it would be better to use a different name. One name that comes to mind is andThen / compose, where the validator is considered a function (andThen corresponds to map and compose to contramap), but compose also has a broad meaning, so I'm torn.

making commented 3 years ago

Do you mean


making commented 3 years ago

Like this?


gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

Do you mean

  • ArgumentsNValidator#map -> ArgumentsNValidator#andThen
  • ArgumentsNValidator#contramap -> ArgumentsNValidator#compose



gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

Hmm, looking at the Map example above, it looks like ArgumentValidators.combine may also have two ways to combine in other directions.

like following

    // first example
    public static <A1, A2, X, Y, Z> Argument2Validator<A1, A2, Z> combine(
            Argument1Validator<? super A1, ? extends X> av1, 
            Argument1Validator<? super A2, ? extends Y> av2, 
            BiFunction<? super X, ? super Y, ? extends Z> f
    ) {

    // a new combine way
    public static <A, X, Y, Z> Argument1Validator<A, Z> map2(
            Argument1Validator<? super A, ? extends X> av1, 
            Argument1Validator<? super A, ? extends Y> av2, 
            BiFunction<? super X, ? super Y, ? extends Z> f
    ) {

With this, the above validator for creating a Person from a Map can be created as follows.

final Argument1Validator<String, Email> emailValidator = ...
final Argument1Validator<Map<String, Object>, Email> mapEmailValidator = emailValidator
        .compose(map -> (String) map.get("email"));

final Argument1Validator<Integer, Age> ageValidator = ...
final Argument1Validator<Map<String, Object>, Age> mapAgeValidator = ageValidator
        .compose(map -> (Integer) map.get("age"));

final Argument1Validator<Map<String, Object>, Person> mapPersonValidator =
        ArgumentValidators.map2(mapEmailValidator, mapAgeValidator, Person::new);

final Map<String, Object> params = Map.of("email", "", "age", 100);

final Validated<Person> person = mapPersonValidator.validated(params);
making commented 3 years ago

That's interesting. Why ArgumentValidators.map2 instead of ArgumentValidators.compose ?

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

ArgumentNValidator#compose and ArgumentValidators.map2 are different operations. They are not substitutes.

Also, in the first example, ArgumentValidators.combine should be named something like ArgumentValidators.split2 to contrast with map2. (ref twitter log )

    public static <A1, A2, R1, R2, X> Argument2Validator<A1, A2, X> split2(
            Argument1Validator<? super A1, ? extends R1> av1, 
            Argument1Validator<? super A2, ? extends R2> av2, 
            BiFunction<? super R1, ? super R2, ? extends X> f
    ) { ... }

    public static <A1, A2, A3, R1, R2, R3, X> Argument3Validator<A1, A2, A3, X> split3(
            Argument1Validator<? super A1, ? extends R1> av1, 
            Argument1Validator<? super A2, ? extends R2> av2, 
            Argument1Validator<? super A3, ? extends R3> av3, 
            Function3<? super R1, ? super R2, ? super R3, ? extends X> f
    ) { ... }


    public static <A, R1, R2, X> Argument1Validator<A, X> map2(
            Argument1Validator<? super A, ? extends R1> av1, 
            Argument1Validator<? super A, ? extends R2> av2, 
            BiFunction<? super R1, ? super R2, ? extends X> f
    ) { ... }

    public static <A, R1, R2, R3, X> Argument1Validator<A, X> map3(
            Argument1Validator<? super A, ? extends R1> av1, 
            Argument1Validator<? super A, ? extends R2> av2, 
            Argument1Validator<? super A, ? extends R3> av3, 
            Function3<? super R1, ? super R2, ? super R3, ? extends X> f
    ) { ... }

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

Having both split2 and map2 would allow us to choose between the two.

final Argument1Validator<String, Email> emailValidator = ...
final Argument1Validator<Integer, Age> ageValidator = ...
final Argument2Validator<String, Integer, Person> personValidator = 
        ArgumentValidators.split2(emailValidator, ageValidator, Person::new);

final Argument1Validator<Map<String, Object>, Person> mapPersonValidator =
        personValidator.compose(map -> Arguments.of(
            (String) map.get("email"),
            (Integer) map.get("age")

final Map<String, Object> params = Map.of("email", "", "age", 100);

final Validated<Person> person = mapPersonValidator.validated(params);
final Argument1Validator<String, Email> emailValidator = ...
final Argument1Validator<Map<String, Object>, Email> mapEmailValidator = emailValidator
        .compose(map -> (String) map.get("email"));

final Argument1Validator<Integer, Age> ageValidator = ...
final Argument1Validator<Map<String, Object>, Age> mapAgeValidator = ageValidator
        .compose(map -> (Integer) map.get("age"));

final Argument1Validator<Map<String, Object>, Person> mapPersonValidator =
        ArgumentValidators.map2(mapEmailValidator, mapAgeValidator, Person::new);

final Map<String, Object> params = Map.of("email", "", "age", 100);

final Validated<Person> person = mapPersonValidator.validated(params);
making commented 3 years ago

Thanks. Is N of mapN and splitN necessary? From overloading perspective, N looks redundant and just map and split look ok/

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

Since map and map2 have very different semantics, it seems better to unify them with mapN if we want to overload them into one. (The same goes for splitN).


making commented 3 years ago

got it, thanks

making commented 3 years ago

Is the following code what you intended?

final StringValidator<Email> emailValidator = StringValidatorBuilder
        .of("email", c -> c.notBlank().email()).build().andThen(Email::new);
final IntegerValidator<Age> ageValidator = IntegerValidatorBuilder
        .of("age", c -> c.greaterThanOrEqual(0)).build().andThen(Age::new);

final Arguments1Validator<Map<String, Object>, Email> mapEmailValidator = emailValidator
        .compose(map -> (String) map.get("email"));
final Arguments1Validator<Map<String, Object>, Age> mapAgeValidator = ageValidator
        .compose(map -> (Integer) map.get("age"));

final Arguments2Validator<String, Integer, Person> personValidator = ArgumentsValidators
        .split2(emailValidator, ageValidator, Person::new);

final Person person1 = personValidator.validate("", 100)

final Arguments1Validator<Map<String, Object>, Person> mapPersonValidator = ArgumentsValidators
        .map2(mapEmailValidator, mapAgeValidator, Person::new);
final Person person2 = mapPersonValidator.validate(new HashMap<String, Object>() {
        put("email", "");
        put("age", 100);
making commented 3 years ago

@gakuzzzz I'd like to support method chain pattern as well

How does this look like?

final StringValidator<Country> countryValidator = StringValidatorBuilder
        .of("country", c -> c.notBlank().greaterThanOrEqual(2))

final StringValidator<String> streetValidator = StringValidatorBuilder
        .of("street", c -> c.notBlank())

final StringValidator<PhoneNumber> phoneNumberValidator = StringValidatorBuilder
        .of("phoneNumber", c -> c.notBlank().greaterThanOrEqual(8).lessThanOrEqual(16))

final Arguments1Validator<Map<String, String>, Country> mapCountryValidator = countryValidator
        .compose(map -> map.get("country"));
final Arguments1Validator<Map<String, String>, String> mapStreetValidator = streetValidator
        .compose(map -> map.get("street"));
final Arguments1Validator<Map<String, String>, PhoneNumber> mapPhoneNumberValidator = phoneNumberValidator
        .compose(map -> map.get("phoneNumber"));

final Arguments3Validator<String, String, String, Address> addressValidator = countryValidator

final Arguments1Validator<Map<String, String>, Address> mapAddressValidator = mapCountryValidator

If this makes sense, I'll make following changes

to align the same interface as Validations.combine(Validation...).apply(FunctionN)

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

Is the following code what you intended?


I'd like to support method chain pattern as well

I agree with supporting method chains. 👍

As a matter of fact, it can use splitN(...) . apply(FunctioN) to splitN(...) .apply(FunctionN), which is more appropriate in the original sense.

Since split is a method what takes a -> x and b -> y and turns them into (a, b) -> (x, y).

However, mapN(... , FunctioN) to mapN(...).apply(FunctionN) is semantically different, so it's not a map anymore, isn't it...


I'm asking on twitter if there is a good naming.

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

The chain method of map should be combine, right?

Validation also uses combine, and so does vavr.

making commented 3 years ago

Sounds good 👍 will do

making commented 3 years ago

So, If mapN method no longer exists, is it okay if splitN method is simply split method?

gakuzzzz commented 3 years ago

I'm sure you're right, I think split will be fine there.