makrohn / Universal-LPC-spritesheet

An attempt to merge most character assets generated by the Liberated Pixel Cup into a single .xcf, where they can be mixed and matched.
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Even more colours. #36

Closed caeles0 closed 11 years ago

makrohn commented 11 years ago

These look great!

makrohn commented 11 years ago

@caeles0 Did you create these layers, or was it actually Johannes Sjolund? I'd like to add proper attribution to the AUTHORS file.

caeles0 commented 11 years ago

On Fri, Mar 08, 2013 at 06:01:46AM -0800, Matthew Krohn wrote:

@caeles0 Did you create these layers, or was it actually Johannes Sjolund? I'd like to add proper attribution to the AUTHORS file.

The layers as an arrangement of frames are neither by me nor by Wulax. (edit: thrust and shoot are by him, but that was not why I mentioned his name in the commit) They are simple recolourings of existing layers. I used the "light" skin versions and (IIRC) the blue eyes as a basis. In case of the male body, I also reduced the number of colours to the intended 10 (the layer has 82 colours, assumedly by careless edits).

The colours to which I changed are ripped from "Johannes_Sjolund__Character animations, clothes, armor, weapons, skeleton enemy, combat dummy/examples/dark_skinned_knight.gif". (Yes, I took the gif; as mentioned elsewhere I cannot open xcfs of gimp > 2.6) I liked that one better than the dark layers which already were in the universal sheet. Hence the edit.

About previous edits:

For the hair I used "base_assets/hairfemale.png", because that one has 6 colours per frame, while the existing layers had only 5 colours (the highlight had got merged with the brightest other colour). I copied these frames all over the new layers, taking the existing layers as a reference for the correct positions. Then I subtracted pixels which were transparent in the existing layers (because some arm obscures the hair). The result is the dark-blonde layer. For the other layers I recoloured the dark-blonde layer using colours from "Luke_Mehl__Female\ Mage\ Clothing\ Set/hair/", and later from the hair layers by Joe White. For ponytail2, I did not use "base_assets/hairfemale.png", because it's not there and the existing layers already have 6 colours.

In summary, I consider my contributions of editorial/technical nature.

I see that you try to state exactly one author per layer. I doubt that will remain feasible. Concerning the layers which I touched, the following would already be more accurate:

body/female/red_orc_wc_only.png body/female/orc.png: Copyright 2012 by Stephen Challener (walk cycle, hurt, slash, spellcast) Copyright 2012 by Johannes Sjölund (thrust, shoot) Copyright by Marcel van de Steeg (head) modified 2012,2013 by Matthew Krohn modified 2013 by Mark Weyer

body/female/dark.png body/female/light.png body/female/tanned.png body/female/tanned2.png: Copyright 2012 by Stephen Challener (walk cycle, hurt, slash, spellcast) Copyright 2012 by Johannes Sjölund (thrust, shoot) modified 2012,2013 by Matthew Krohn modified 2013 by Mark Weyer

belt/leather_female.png belt/rope_female.png: Copyright 2012 by Johannes Sjölund Copyright 2012 by Matthew Krohn modified 2013 by Matthew Krohn modified 2013 by Mark Weyer

belt/black_female_no_th-sh.png belt/bronze_female_no_th-sh.png belt/brown_female_no_th-sh.png belt/gold_female_no_th-sh.png belt/iron_female_no_th-sh.png belt/silver_female_no_th-sh.png torso/robes_female_no_th-sh/black.png torso/robes_female_no_th-sh/blue.png torso/robes_female_no_th-sh/brown.png torso/robes_female_no_th-sh/dark brown.png torso/robes_female_no_th-sh/dark gray.png torso/robes_female_no_th-sh/forest green.png torso/robes_female_no_th-sh/light gray.png torso/robes_female_no_th-sh/purple.png torso/robes_female_no_th-sh/red.png torso/robes_female_no_th-sh/white.png: Copyright 2012 by Luke Mehl modified 2012,2013 by Matthew Krohn modified 2013 by Mark Weyer

hair/female//dark-blonde.png except hair/female/princess/ and hair/female/ponytail2/*: Copyright 2012 by Manuel Riecke modified 2012,2013 by Matthew Krohn modified 2013 by Mark Weyer

hair/female//black.png hair/female//brown.png hair/female//gray.png hair/female//light-blonde.png hair/female//white.png except hair/female/princess/ and hair/female/ponytail2/*: Copyright 2012 by Manuel Riecke (shape) Copyright 2012 by Manuel Riecke or Luke Mehl (colour) modified 2012,2013 by Matthew Krohn modified 2013 by Mark Weyer

hair/female/ponytail2/black.png hair/female/ponytail2/brown.png hair/female/ponytail2/gray.png hair/female/ponytail2/light-blonde.png hair/female/ponytail2/white.png: Copyright 2013 by Joe White (shape) Copyright 2012 by Manuel Riecke or Luke Mehl (colour) modified 2013 by Matthew Krohn modified 2013 by Mark Weyer

hair/female//blonde.png hair/female//brunette.png hair/female//raven.png hair/female//white-blonde.png except hair/female/ponytail2/* and hair/female/princess/* Copyright 2012 by Manuel Riecke (shape) Copyright 2013 by Joe White (colour) modified 2012,2013 by Matthew Krohn modified 2013 by Mark Weyer

body/female/dark2.png body/female/eyes/gray.png body/male/dark2.png body/male/eyes/gray.png: Copyright 2012 by Stephen Challener (walk cycle, hurt, slash, spellcast) Copyright 2012 by Johannes Sjölund (thrust, shoot, colour) modified 2012,2013 by Matthew Krohn modified 2013 by Mark Weyer

makrohn commented 11 years ago

That makes my eyes bleed a little. I wonder if there's a more elegant solution.

caeles0 commented 11 years ago

That makes my eyes bleed a little. I wonder if there's a more elegant solution.

Let me know when you find one. I don't like it very much either, but it's what I use myself for lack of anything better.