maks / MGit

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Request a place to download the latest CI version of MGit #635

Open jiesou opened 2 years ago

jiesou commented 2 years ago

The Google Play version of MGit does not have permission to read all files. It's too complicated to compile it by myself with AndroidStudio, can provide a place to download the latest MGit? The version on F-Droid is also very old.

I know GithubActions allows to generate apk installers at build time and put them on a public page for people to download.

kb-1000 commented 2 years ago

The version on F-Droid isn't "very old", but it's still not up to date (it's the previous one, 1.6.1). Apparently that's because the app version in build.gradle wasn't bumped to 1.6.2:

jiesou commented 2 years ago

It's not very old, but I don't think it's very new either. I noticed that it also can't read the files in the internal storage root, e.g. /storage/emulated/0/Download/ Screenshot_2022-05-10-06-57-37-123-edit_com.manichord.mgit.jpg

maks commented 2 years ago

@kb-1000 thanks for pointing that out. That's the down side to doing releases manually vs via CI/CD. I'll bump the version and do a new release tag.

@jiesou in regards to distributing a APK for direct download, the issue isn't creating the APK, that's trivial. The issue is ensuring users then know to keep it updated. Also users who have the F-Droid built MGit installed will not be able to sideload install a APK I distribute because they sign with their own certs, so those users would first need to uninstall the F-droid release.

In regards to that error, as per discussion in #620, the permissions issue is only fixed in 1.6.2 onwards, so as @kb-1000 pointed out, the version on F-Droid is 1.6.1, so is the previous release version but does not have the fix for the permission issue on Android 11+ devices.

sdenaro commented 2 years ago

@maks Is the google play version going to be updated as well?

maks commented 2 years ago

I've now added a new tag for the current state of the repo, so that the latest release tag now matches the current version set in app/build.gradle.

@sdenaro unfortunately not until I hear back from Google's review of my appeal regarding their decision to not allow MGit to use that all files permission. I'l definitely update here once I have heard back from them.

maks commented 1 year ago

I will begin publishing CI built APK's of MGit signed with the current certificate (used for APKs on Google Play) as soon as I have implemented #669.

Bakr-Ali commented 10 months ago

I will begin publishing CI built APK's of MGit signed with the current certificate (used for APKs on Google Play) as soon as I have implemented #669.

You can recommend an app updater like Obtainium to check and (automatically) get the updates when they are available instead of having to implement update checker into the app.

Also, could you please update the readme to clarify the issue? I saw the update on Google Play with "Add notice regarding lack of compatibility for Android 11 and newer devices." and came to the repository to check what I have to do and what's the issue but I didn't find anything in the readme and had to read multiple issues to understand what's going on.

Bakr-Ali commented 7 months ago

@maks any update on this, please? Could you release the APKs on GitHub releases for the ones of us who prefer it as I explained in my previous reply?

maks commented 7 months ago

@maks any update on this, please? Could you release the APKs on GitHub releases for the ones of us who prefer it as I explained in my previous reply?

Sorry I haven't had time to do much work on MGit lately but I'll try to get this setup once I do. In the meantime you can always download the APK from FDroid if we want to sideload directly without using thier app installer client, though I would still recommend using their installer which has update checking builtin.