maks / droid-synth

a revival of the music-synthesizer-for-android project
Apache License 2.0
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Midi usage prompt only shows when resuming Main activity after plugging in midi device #4

Open maks opened 2 years ago

maks commented 2 years ago

Currently a midi device (eg. midi keyboard controller) needs to be plugged in prior to starting the app in order for the "allow to use midi" dialog prompt to be shown. If a midi controller is plugged in while the app is running, need to leave and resume the Main activity (eg go to app Settings menu and return) for the prompt to be shown.

maks commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure if a plug-in event is available using the current legacy "usb direct" midi implementation, so this may only be possible to fix when adding support for the new Android Midi API per #3