Open ghost opened 21 years ago
Comment by @cristianbogdan on 22 May 2003 13:24 UTC besides bug 256, i think that bug 34 is another bug that can benefit from this
connections with bug 40 and bug 41 are interesting for the idea of static page analysis
Modified by @manuelbernhardt on 28 Jun 2010 07:22 UTC
Modified by @manuelbernhardt on 28 Jun 2010 07:36 UTC
Reported by @cristianbogdan on 12 Dec 2002 02:58 UTC this bug is connected to bug 7 (where we might decide something totally different like e.g. dropping secret attributes completely) and bug 40 (which deals with attribute declaration in the page, which would be boring for secret attributes, which are used everywhere)
secret (session) attributes are attributes that keep the user identity, and at present are one of the big design problems of makumba, due to using the same attribute with differnet senses in different parts of the application (bug 256)
the idea here is to have a central place in the BL where secret attributes are declared, with name and type. the name of that file (MDD, Java or properties, not sure yet) can be delcared in, or can be a separate file,, etc
once secret attributes are declared
alternatives for representing secret attributes: